𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐢 ~~ go winning at the glen

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It's strange, getting back into a black race suit. The last time this happened, Kimi was at Lotus, and had just signed his new contract for Ferrari. Now, he is in his little tent, at Watkins Glen, getting for his first NASCAR race in more than a decade. Well, to be fair, he also wore the suit yesterday for qualy, but race day is usually more memorable than qualy.

Everything is different in the States, well, almost. There's still the buzz of the race, but Kimi doesn't the people, doesn't know the drivers. Yeah, he drove there some years ago, but then he knew the mechanics, engineers, and other collègues. Then, he had Seb by his side. Now, there's just Daniil, stranded in the States after his team retreated from WEC.

Yeah, the Russian is a nice person to talk to, but he is not Seb. Daniil doesn't know him as the German does. None of the mechanics knows his routine, and none of the engineers knows exactly what he wants. It's frustrating, but then again, it's his first race with this team. It's normal.

A clock on the table informs him it's time to get out, and actually attend pre-race (bullshit) stuff. Autographs, checking the car one last, time, mundane things like this. Kimi never liked them, and he's not going to start now. He's got nothing against signing autographs, but they are making him waste time, time he could use eating ice cream or napping. He makes his way into his team's garage, ready for all of it.

He does encounter people, and signs whatever they are handing him. He greets NASCAR officials and other people. All goes to what he had expected. Yet, what he didn't was the sheer amount of photographers gravitating around him. Yeah, he's quite a name in the motorsport scene, but this is America, not anywhere else in the world where F1 is more popular. Kimi is quite sure more Americans know Dale Earnhardt Jr than Sir Lewis Hamilton.

So, coming back to those cameras harassing him. He cannot says his eyes are blinded by the flashes, but he did almost knock one of the photographers over because the latter was too busy looking through his lens. Kimi knows for sure there must be someone, something more interesting to photograph, yet here they are. Moreover, it started to light rain, and those little fuckers are still here.

They follow him in his garage, they follow him as he goes on the track to escape them. Kimi almost considers going back into his little driver's room, or even to his team principal's eagle nest. Yet, something catches his eyes. Behind the sea of (paparazzi) photographers doing their job, there is an unmistakable auburn curly-haired head. Kimi knows those curls very well, having last his hands between them time and time over. One of the vultures takes a step aside, and the Finn can now fully see the person.

There is no doubt. Sebastian Vettel is standing in front of him, that incredibly cute shy smile on his lips.

Kimi doesn't waste any time. In only five long strides, the German is safely tucked in his arms. The Finn is incredibly happy, and he can feel his heart explode with joy when he feels the apple of his eyes hugging him closer.

"I can't believe you came after all," he whispers in the fluffy hair.

Seb only chuckles lightly. That little bastard told Kimi he couldn't come, that he had some family emergency. Yet here he is, at the Watkins Glen track, to support the man he chose to call husband for so many years.

"I couldn't miss your first NASCAR race in this decade," the Aston Martin driver jokingly mumbles, head still pressed against Kimi's neck.

The Finn hears the little laugh in Seb's chest, and he cannot help it but to chuckle too. It's a little rumble of happiness at first, but hearing his husband's melodious laugh makes Kimi let out genuine sounds too. He lets go of Seb a bit, just to cup his face between his hands.

Icy blue against warm brown.

All Kimi can see is love. Deep, all-consuming, unbiased and unleashed love. He feels his cheek redden a bit. After all those years, he still isn't accustomed to being showered with affection by (Seb) the most perfect human being on the whole Earth. He can feel it all around him, wrapping them in a bubble of comfort and safety. Even in the most brutal and stressful places, Seb manages to make him feel calm, at peace. Kimi is damn glad they decided to come out after his retirement, because there is no way he can't kiss his husband.

In fact, he doesn't know who kissed who, because they both lean towards each other, lips finally meeting.

As a damn teenager, Kimi can feel his stomach do somersaults, his heart burst, and his hand spin. It's amazing how a simple touch can make him feel so lost and yet so found at the same time. All he knows is that Seb is here, in his arms, and kissing him in front of God knows how many cameras.

He can fell Seb slightly parting his lips, and of course, Kimi doesn't waste this opportunity to deepen the kiss. His tongue meets its soulmate's, and the Finn has to remind himself to keep it PG-13. Yet, Seb doesn't seem to mind, as the German gladly moves his arms around his husband's waist, so Kimi decides he will not mind either. Kids and homophobic people be damned, he married the guy, therefore, he can kiss him as they both want to in public.

Yet, they both need air, and they both have to part away, much to their dismay. Kimi does let his forehead lay on Seb's, enjoying their closeness. They will be reunited again in only a few hours, but he knows those will feel like months, even with the adrenaline of the race. Kimi opens his eyes again, and looks at his love's content smile.

"Was this my good luck kiss?" He jokingly asks, as they usually gave one to each other before every race.

"Yes," Seb answers, his breath still a little short.

Kimi can only smile, and press them together even more. He wished he could have stayed like that for ages, for all his life. Yet, reality catches them fast, under the representation of a random, shy engineer. The latter stammers their words, but the husbands do understand that Kimi is needed elsewhere. It makes the Finn groan, as he doesn't want to let go of his lucky charm that easily.

"Go on," Seb nugget him. "You have a race to win."

Kimi groans, and chastely kisses him one last time, before getting off. Seb does accompany him in the garage, holding his hand all the way through. As the Finn climbs in his car, his husband kisses his gloves. They don't need words anymore, they both know what the other wants to say. With the thought that Seb is there safely tucked in his brain, Kimi sets off to the circuit.

It rains. The race is delayed. Kimi begins 25th. He ends up winning the race.


can't wait to see kimi race again. i know he's retired, but hey, a man can dram right?
also yeah he dnf'ed that race but my man was doing so great ToT

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