𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐢 ~~ winning for you

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2010 has been Seb's year. As he drives past the finish line in Abu Dahbi, he feels it in his bones.

World Champion. At only 21 years old, he is a World Champion.
His radio comes to live, someone screaming on it. Seb can just scream back too. All went to fast, but not enough, as always in F1. He doesn't even realise he is in front of the 1st pannel before he gets out of the car, proudly pointing to the sky.

The first of many, he thinks, and hopes.

His whole being is on fire, and he runs towards his team. All want a piece of him, dozens of people hug him tight, shout compliments to him. Yet, there is only one person Seb wants tonight.

He detangles himself from on of the strategists to run to the guest block of the garage. Seb sn't even sure the one he's waiting for, has been waiting for for years, is there. He can only hope. Seb knows his special guest got the paddock pass, as he delivered it himself. Yet, that someone didn't show up for the entire weekend.

"Seb, where are you going?" Christian shouts as the team tries to keep the cameras out.

The new World Champion doesn't answer.

He is nearly running, but he needs answers. He can feel Mark's eyes at the back of his head, can feel how all his moves are currently broadcasted live in the whole world, but he doesn't care.

Seb gets to the guest square. He scans the room, swearing at his visor. He hasn't even taken off his helmet. As his eyes go past known and unknown face, hope slowly dies within him.

He isn't here. Kimi isn't here.

Seb can feel the world crashing down on him. What's the point of winning if you can't celebrate with the one you love?


A cry comes from behind him. Seb gets up from the ground where he had fallen. Turning around, he gets crushed against someone. His whole body is rigid, why is a stranger getting this close.

Then, it hits him.

It's Kimi. It's safe, it's Kimi.

Seb wraps his arms around the now rally driver, hugging him even tighter. It's all he ever wanted at that moment, all he ever needed. He takes all he can from the hug, all the love, tenderness, comfort, everything, and in return, he gives his soul to Kimi.

"Kulta," his voice breaks at the Finnish endearment he has always used for his love. "I did it."

"Yeah, you did it, Sebi," the Finn's voice has never sounded this good to the German's driver ears.

Seb finally lets his tears run down his face, making his balaclava even stickier than before. He puts a little distance between them, lifting his visor, just to take in the sight of his lover. Kimi has kept his long hair, and sports a Red Bull cap. He's dressed simply, no Citroën Junior nor RBR logos. It's just Kimi, pure Kimi, and Seb can't get enough of that.

Gently, as to not hurt him, the World Champion put his head forward, as to lean it against Kimi's forehead. His visor falls down, but he doesn't care. It's the most they can get away with without being too suspicious, even tho their hug was anything but platonic. It's also Seb's way to pass a message, one he dreamed of passing for years.

I won it for me, for my family and for my team, but also for you, Liebe.

Kimi puts his hands on Seb's helmet, lifting the visor again. His strikingly pale blue eyes wonder across every inch of skin they can, before settling right in Seb's own hazelnut iris. His gaze leaves a message to the German driver, one he has been awaiting for a long time.

I know, kulta. I'm glad you're the one you did it.

If they weren't in public, Seb would have taken off his helmet right there, and kissed the living daylights our of Kimi. The latter doesn't care, unlocks the strap, unceremoniously dumps the protective gear on the ground, and lifts up the balaclava just enough for him to kiss Seb.


please do not try to kiss your same-sex partner in the UAE, no shit you will get arrested. for the sake of this story, let's pretend homophobia doesn't exist.

also??? seems like piarles isn't as dead as i thought here lol, anyway enjoy more of my favourite ship in this fandom. if i'm motivated enough, i'll put myself to work on some rally AU i have for those  two...

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