𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 ~~ what do you mean i can't feed them carrots

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From the moment Lando stepped into his father's office, he knew he had fucked up real-time. As a kid, he loved being there, in a vast room, surrounded by books and other shining things. Yet, nowadays, being summoned in it meant nothing good.

His father was on his black leather chair, typing away on his computer. He hadn't even acknowledged Lando, he just continued working. The younger one sat on a chair facing the bureau, awaiting his punishment.

"So, Lando," his father finally said, lifting his eyes from the screen. "I believe you know why you are here."

Lando gulped down, silently nodding.

"I looked away, many, many times, son. I cannot do the same now," Norris father said, crossing his hands on the table. "You need to distance yourself from the city, for your own and my one good."

Lando was afraid now. Every time he did something stupid, he didn't get access to his trust fund for a while, or he had to help his father's employees for a few months. Yet, he never, ever had to leave town.

"But it wasn't me, I swear! It was George and-" He tried to dispute that punishment, to no avail.

" I don't want to hear it now, Lando. As of today, you will pack your bags and go work on our midland's farm. When things will die down, if they ever will, I'll consider your return."

Lando looked down, ready to cry.

"I love you, my son. I really do, but you have to learn," Norris father sweetly said. "Now go, a car will be waiting for you in an hour."

Lando quickly left his seat, leaving the office.

"I can't believe I still have to do these things when you are 20 years old," he heard his father mumble as he closed the door, and never Lando felt more ashamed.


Packing his things had been rough. Calling his friends to bid them goodbye had been rougher. They didn't understand why he had to leave, their parents never punished them for anything. Lando still packed his phone and computer, even tho he doubt he'll have any wifi up there.

During the ride up there, he didn't try to chat with the driver as he would do. He just let his head fall on the window, looking at London's skyscrapers slowly fading away. The cool glass was grounding him in reality, as his mind wandered far away from the luxurious Mercedes on the motorway. If tears had left his eyes, then the driver had the decency of not saying anything. If he let out a little sob as Max, his best friend of years, told him they'll see each other soon enough, then again, he was left to his privacy.

At the prime hours of 6 pm, well after tea, they arrived at the farm. They were supposed to be there an hour earlier, but they had gotten lost in some county finishing with -shire. The people there spoke with an accent Lando couldn't begin to understand, but somehow the driver found her way.

The farmhouse was a typical English one, walls made of stones and mended with other stones over the years. Nestled between the hills, it stood out as safe heaven from the capricious British weather. A little flower garden was present in front of the house. It looked pretty, even tho Lando could see some weeds between the white petunias. Nobody was in sight, maybe they were still eating.

"Look, nobody's here, why won't we go ba-" Lando tried to convince his driver, but he was interrupted by a very loud motor.

Coming from uphill, a roar was echoing through the air. Soon enough, an electric blue quad appeared, someone on it. They seemed determined as if they were running late. Their hair was hectically flying, and Lando wondered how the hell they could see where they were going.

The vehicle was parked not far from them, and the mysterious driver got off it. As he came closer, Lando could see him better. The person was a man, one of the most beautiful Lando had ever seen. Tamed skin, strong jaw, broad shoulders, and impossibly perfect charcoal hair. His eyes seemed dark, aspiring Lando's will to leave as if they were a black hole. He was everything Lando wasn't, and everything Lando wanted.

"Sorry I was not here!" A melodic, Spanish-accented voice rang. "Got some sheep up there needing help."

God, Lando though, even his voice is as hot as his appearance.

"No worries," the driver said, "we got lost on the way, we just got here," she nodded towards Lando as if to say 'now he's your problem'.

"I am Carlos, it is my farm", the man introduced himself, shaking her hand. "And I guess you are Lando, right?"

The Brit blushed and shakily shook his hand. The farmer had flashed him such a smile, that it made something turn in Lando's stomach.

"Ye-yes," he mumbled, trying not to make a clown of himself too much.

The farmed didn't seem to mind, as he continued to smile at him.

"Well, I hope you'll like your stay here!" He exclaimed, before going to the car. "Where are your bags? I'll show you your room."

The driver opened the trunk and gestured for Lando to go and take his stuff. The younger one sighed, rolling his eyes. He guessed that now that he wasn't in his father's good graces, he had to take and bring up his bags alone. The driver stood there, near a car, a little smile on her face. At that moment, Lando hated her as he never did. Then, he remember she was the one who brought him back after he got blackout drunk in the city.

"Bye Gabriella!" He shouted towards her, as she was getting into the car.

She only waved, before setting off towards the big city. Lando sighed, again. The last person he knew had left him.

"Come on!" The farmer shouted from in front of the house. "What are you waiting for?"

Lando's future awaited him, and the Brit had no other choice but to go and met it, or rather, him.


WIP i got from a while back. like it enough to post it. don't think i'll ever work on it again tho.

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