𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐬 ~~ heart to heart

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To all the days we were together
To all the time we were apart
Of each other's lives
Heart to heart



Lewis looks up to Nico, from the second step of the podium. Blinded by the fireworks, blinded by the German's broad smile, he can only feel one thing: pain.

Gut wrenching, heart punching, almost debilitating pain.

He can feel himself crumble inside, can feel himself die just a little more, like he always does when Nico wins, when Nico beats him. It's insane, it's unnatural, it's almost forbidden. But that's what he feels. That's what his crumbled dried-up heart tells him.

Nico is Lewis' soulmate, but at that moment, there is nobody Lewis has hated more than Nico.

He doesn't attend post-race celebrations, or media, or whatever the team wants him to do. He shuts down his phone, leaves a written note to Toto, congratulating the team for the contractor's championship title, leaves another note for Angela.

From his motor home, Lewis takes whatever's necessary. His toothbrush and toothpaste, Roscoe's and Coco's food and overnight bags, the hoodie he loves so much.

That hoodie.

As Lewis takes it, he remembers how he got it, who gave it to him.

He lets it fall on the ground, as if the washed up cotton burned his hand.

Lewis finishes packing his bags, takes the dogs by their leash, and leaves the motor home.

Behind him, alone in the room, the hoodie lays on the dirty floor, Nico's name and number racing embroidered on the chest reflecting Abu Dhabi's fireworks.


And so I had a late arrival
So, we never saw the start
Of each other's lives
Heart to heart


Early 2000's

"I wish I knew you sooner," Nico whispers in Lewis' neck, making the latter shiver.

It's late, almost midnight. Yet, they are still awake, gently laying in each other's arms. For once, they did not have to come up with stupid excuses to sleep in the same room. The team fucked up their reservation, and they got a single room, with a double bed.

Lewis feels like he has never been happier. His soulmate is laying on his chest, tracing idling patterns on his skin, all while they lazily make out.

"Why?" He manages to ask between lingering kisses.

"Because I would have liked to know my soulmate from the very start."

Nico's eyes sparkle under the dim hotel room light, his hair, longer than it ever was, put up in a lazy bun behind his head, with his cheeks and lips red. Lewis swears that, if angels were to come down to Earth, they would like Nico. Perfection in the most pure sense of the word, a figure sculpted in the purest marble.

Lewis can only smile, and kiss his soulmate again. It's nearly Lewis' eighteenth birthday. At midnight, he'll finally feel complete. At midnight, he'll finally feel Nico for real, as a real presence there with him at all times, not in the intermittent matter it had been until now.

"Happy birthday, Lew," the German says as the digital clock finally announces midnight.

Truly, Lewis has never been happier than now.

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