Episode 1 part 5

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Choi Wang Shik is running faster in the forest while panting and he is trying his best to save his friend's life from getting kill by a vengeful spirit at the forest.
Very foggy as a weather in this nature forest but just a little mist.
Park Il Mi is lifting Seo Joon's neck up in the air by her hand of supernatural force while she's angrily grunting at him and Seo Joon is panting when he can't breathe.

Park Il Mi: "You shouldn't have taken something from my brother, you dirty scumbag."

She angrily said it while choking him up in the air.

Seo Joon: "Spare my life..."

He panted, as he cannot free himself from this powerful ghost's hand.
Choi Dal Pi and Galio is looking for Wang Shik before it's too late, they can't seem to find Wang Shik at all and Dal Pi is calling Wang Shik but Wang Shik didn't answer the phone.
Dal Pi is walking faster and Galio is flying.

Dal Pi: "Please, answer already you trouble maker punk!"

He angrily said it.

Galio: "I can sense where Wang Shik is with my clairvoyance ability."

He said.

Dal Pi: "Then fly ahead than me, go on!"

He commanded, Galio is flying ahead than Dal Pi and to fly to the sky to search for Choi Wang Shik.

Galio: "Wang Shik cannot handle this dark energy by himself, this is no good!"

He groaned in frustration while flying.
Wang Shik have finally made it to see Seo Joon as he met Seo Joon at the forest.
Wang Shik panting and Seo Joon is quietly standing still while looking at Wang Shik.

Wang Shik: "Seo Joon, are you okay?"

As he walked closer to Seo Joon.
Seo Joon's eyes is changing into demon's eyes when Wang Shik looked into his eyes.

Wang Shik: "Who are you...?"

He shocked, Seo Joon shoved Wang Shik airborne away against the tree as very far meters like throwing a ball and Wang Shik thuds down to the ground while grunting in pain.
Seo Joon slowly walking towards to Wang Shik and Wang Shik slowly stands up.

Wang Shik: "Park Il Mi, what are you doing in my friend's body?"

He shocked.

Seo Joon (Park Il Mi): "Father, it's time for you to die for getting in my way."
"Or you can just leave me alone now."

She answered.

Wang Shik: "No, I'm not leaving my friend here."
"Just leave this body quietly if you don't want any trouble."

As he demanded at her back.

Seo Joon (Park Il Mi): "You stubborn young priest, you ain't got any idea who you're messing with."

As she talked to him back.
Wang Shik is taking his cross and holy water potion out as a weapon.

Seo Joon (Park Il Mi): "Oh, you think you can exorcist me that easily?"
"Then try fuck me harder!"

She laughed.
Wang Shik angrily grunting with his angry expression, he splashes holy water at Park Il Mi but she dodged it and runs faster away from Wang Shik, what a speed.
Wang Shik runs in and to look around, he could not find Park Il Mi even though the energy felt so strong nearby him.

Wang Shik: "What do you want?! My friend has nothing to do with this!"

He yelled, as he continuing to look around while raising his cross up.

Wang Shik: "Come out!"

Seo Joon (Park Il Mi): "You sure Seo Joon has nothing to do with this?"

She snickered.
Park Il Mi runs in to tackle Wang Shik down to the ground and to strangle his neck while Wang Shik is panting and he also dropped his cross and holy water potion down.
Wang Shik tries to touch Seo Joon's face but he could not stop her strangle his neck.

Priest Mateo (Y/n male with Yeji)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant