Episode 3 part 6

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When Wang Shik are ready to perform the exorcism for Han Suryoung in her room as light was already turned on.

Suryoung: "Hurry, please."

As she begged while getting her hands and legs tied up on a bed.
Wang Shik quickly flipping the page and he stopped flipping a page to read a bible book now.

Wang Shik: "Okay, I will start now."

As he cleared his throat.

Wang Shik: "Lord our god, be merciful to us, your image, and save your servant Han Suryoung from every threat or harm from the evil one."

As he chanting while reading a bible book for Suryoung, Suryoung grunting when she's not feeling okay.

Wang Shik: "And protect her by raising her above all evil."
"We ask you this through the intercession of our most blessed, glorious Lady, Mary ever Virgin,
Mother of God, of the most splendid
archangels and all your saints, amen!"

Suryoung moaning loudly in pain as her energy evil spirit is getting more powerful and she tried to free herself but she couldn't because of cloth tied her up on a bed.
Wang Shik looks at Suryoung as he stopped reading but her evil spirit didn't come out yet.

Suryoung: "Keep reading! It's not coming out yet!"

She whined.

Wang Shik: "My Lord, you are all powerful, you are God, you are Father."
"We beg you through the intercession and help of
the archangels Michael, Raphael and Gabriel, for the deliverance of our brothers and sisters who are enslaved by the evil one."
"All saints of Heaven, come to our aid."

As he continuing to read a bible book with his more serious voice.
Suryoung screeching in demonic's voice on her bed and she tries to free herself from cloths that tied her up but she couldn't free herself.

Wang Shik: "I asked the evil spirit, what is your name?!"

As he shouted at Suryoung while Suryoung is screaming loudly.
Suryoung continuing to scream out loud in demonic's voice as the electricity light is flickering and same as lamp.
Suryoung's face have transformed into Min Jia with rotten white paled skin and puffy eyes as Min Jia already possessed Suryoung's body.

Wang Shik: "I asked the evil spirit, what is your name?!"

He repeated, as electricity lights kept flickering a lot.

Suryoung (Min Jia): "Oh young priest, why don't you want to be my friends?"

As she laughed like a idiot and talks in demonic's voice.
Wang Shik puts a bible book in his pocket and to take his holy water potion out.
He quickly opens a lid off and to splash holy water at her and she screams in pain when holy water scalded her skin into sizzling.

Wang Shik: "What is your name?!"

As he yelled at Min Jia.

Suryoung (Min Jia): "I am Priest Mateo's girlfriend, please go out with me, oppa priest."

She giggled.

Wang Shik: "Do you want to die?"

As he was about to hit her but he didn't hit her.

Suryoung (Min Jia): "I'm kidding, my name is Min Jia and I want all of you to get out of my house now!"

She answered.

Priest Mateo (Y/n male with Yeji)Where stories live. Discover now