Episode 14 part 5

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Wang Shik: "No, I got a girlfriend who can stop the ghost coming inside of your body."
"We will vanish the ghost so you don't have to get possess again."

As he added calmly.

Danielle: "You mean her?"

Pointing at Yuna with her eyes.

Wang Shik: "No, the girl who talks with your mother, she can see ghost with her holy cross gloves."

He replied.

Danielle: "Your accent sound like Australian, how did you speak Australian accent when you're not even Australian?"

She confused.
When Yeji was talking with Danielle's mother in the living room as they were speaking Korean...

Danielle's mother: "You promise me not to tell anyone, please, I'm begging you."

Begging Yeji with her sad face.

Yeji: "It's my duty to keep the secret, so feel free to talk with me."

She replied.

Danielle's mother: "My daughter has been murdering lot's of people because of the demon possessed her body."
"It concerns me that the police will arrest her to jail because none of police believes in supernatural."

She explained.

Yeji: "That's so awful... So how many people did the spirit demon killed?"

She gasped, touching her mouth with her shock expression.

Danielle's mother: "Countless people, it doesn't matter how many it made my daughter killed people, but I just don't want the police finds out, that's all."

She replied.

Danielle's mother: "I know I feel guilty for being a accomplice for my daughter's crime but I need a  priest to stop this demon before this demon made her kill more people again and again more worse."

Yeji: "No, you and your daughter were never guilty. The demon should be held responsible for what it done to your kid."

Cheering Danielle's mother up.

Yeji: "As long there's no evidence to prove Danielle's manslaughter, we will sure to exorcise for her as soon as we can."

Danielle's mother: "Please help her right now! They will arrest her for life if we waste one second."
"I'm so scared to lose my daughter forever! Please help me, I can pay all of my money for you just to keep her out of jail!"

She wailed, holding Yeji's hands as she cannot handle this patience anymore longer.
Ỵeji hugs her and pats on her to console her, tears dropping down.
At night time later, they were having dinner but before having dinner, they all pray to Jesus together while touching each other's hand.

Wang Shik: "Thank you for the food."

Priest Mateo prayed while closing eyes.

Everyone: "Thank you for the food."

Yeji: "Don't say you're hungry."

As she spoke to Wang Shik.

Wang Shik: "Amen."

Everyone: "Amen."

As everyone begins to eat dinner quietly now.
They continuing to eat Australian food with spaghetti and bread...

Yuna: "This pasta taste better than from South Korea."

As she spoke in Korean.
Danielle's mother laughs.

Priest Mateo (Y/n male with Yeji)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang