Storm in the Night

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Heart pounding, Snow White looked at Regina. The woman drained the blood from her blade in a single motion, then sheathed it.

"And I thought you didn't have any skills." came Rin's voice. The princess immediately put her bow away and took the piece of fruit in her hand.

"I'm more capable than you think," she replied with a smile, ignoring the insult in the girl's statement.

"You're good with weapons for a princess ... but it's not unexpected that a noblewoman can lie to twist the truth as she pleases," the witch continued to snarl. If this were a human, she would probably look angry, but it was just cute how the little apple complained about everything.

"Yes yes" giggled the older one.

"Take me seriously, if you please, I'm a powerful magician," she hissed, but she skillfully ignored the statement and looked at the queen.

"We're going to the cave!" Regina called over her shoulder to her and Alice. The young witch hurried past her to her friend. The weather had not improved, dark clouds now covered the sun and it seemed like night. Shortly after they reached their camp, the storm started. The rain pelted the earth unstoppably and the wind howled icy cold through the cave. The three friends sat all the way to the back and, with Regina's help, made a fire.

"Don't even think of roasting me on that," Rin warned grimly.

"I like the idea," Harvey explained gleefully, and the adult put on an insidious smile.

"As much trouble as you've caused me, it wouldn't be such a bad idea.

"Alice was sitting next to the mirror, sketching something in a notebook, Mary keeping her company, so since Harvey had changed shape again and was taller, she could see out of the mirror with no problem. The two whispered something quietly, but Snow White didn't understand what it was about.

"I don't taste good at all, even enchanted I'm a source of poisons," replied the apple cheerfully.

"Damn," the mirror answered her.

"My brother from Idiot cursed us, not cast a spell"

"And how can we undo it?" asked the adult now interested.

"I don't know yet. I'm not a master of curses, I'm interested in animals and not in how to make life as difficult as possible for others for as long as possible."

"For saying you're not interested, you're really good at it," Rin scoffed, amused

"Shut up, idiot"

"Idiot yourself!"

"I'm a mirror, you insulted yourself!" Although Harvey and Rin kept insulting each other, the princess quickly realized that none of this was meant to be taken seriously and they were both having a good time. She smiled amused at the exchange of words between the two, which had once again produced only nonsense from a serious conversation.

"Like I said, I'm not familiar with it, it's not my area. I think Feen have the ability to break spells and curses of all kinds. But these beings have their own individuality."

"Good!" Regina enthusiastically clapped her hands on her legs

"We'll visit the village of the forest Feen, maybe it will help. If not, we'll find another way."

"I'd like to finally have my legs back, you know how annoying it is being an apple, you can't-" Rin started to complain but was cut off coldly

"I can only hope the rain stops soon and we can make it to the village without further interruptions." said Regina.

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