Soft whispering in the library

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Snow White ran through a forest, she didn't know why she was running and who was chasing her, but she ran. It was late night and she heard loud footsteps behind her and the clatter of armor. It wasn't the first time she had dreamed this. Almost every night she dreamed the same nightmare. Sometimes she was chased through the forest, sometimes voices spoke to her, often her mother. It always ended the same way, she ended up in the river. She was swept away by the current in a river or was under water and couldn't get up. Until suddenly someone pulled them out and green lights stared at them. Or maybe it was eyes, she didn't know. Over and over again she had the same fear and each time she felt the same pain in her arm. She didn't understand why she was dreaming this, she could swim and she had never been in a situation where she drowned. Arrows shot past her by a hair's breadth. A sharp pain shot through her arm, she turned around, not wanting to fall back into the river, but no matter where she ran, the river came closer, just like the footsteps. She stopped in a panic, but slipped and, despite her best efforts, fell into the water. Frightened, she flailed her arms, trying to ignore the pain she was feeling. Tried to gasp and somehow get to the surface. She was mercilessly pulled down. Banged against stones and rocks until she almost lost consciousness. "I got you" whispered a voice. Gasping, she drew air into her lungs and looked back at the two green lights. The hand she was holding disappeared. The pain in her arm subsided, she got ground under her feet and the environment changed.

She was in a house. It was the house in which the magician lived. Confused, she looked around, it all looked like this afternoon. The moon threw its weak light into the room and everything could be seen in dark gray tones. Something drew her to the hallway, she started to run, unsure if she would go up the stairs, would she come to the guest room where she would be allowed to sleep. But an unknown force pulled her down into the basement. Even if Yokai had strictly forbidden her to go down there.

"It's not safe there, the library is destroyed, you would hurt yourself," he warned.

Despite the warning, she opened the door. It creaked quietly. A passage appeared. She closed the door behind her and walked down the path, a faint light pouring out of the ceiling from an unknown source, illuminating her path. At the end of the path was a banister, from where she could see a huge library. She walked along the railing and then to a wooden staircase, which she descended. Soft whispers echoed through the vast room. No matter where she looked, there were books everywhere, how would you find anything here if you were looking for something? She hopped down the last few steps and then ran through the great hall. The floor and ceiling were covered with beautiful ornaments, the bookshelves were made of different woods and were inscribed with silver runes. Magic was in the air and there was a strong smell of paper and ink. Without stopping, she walked through the aisles of shelves without even knowing what she was looking for. The whisper grew louder. Snow White turned another corner and started. There was someone sitting there, but no one. Or much more, it was no longer human. It was just the remains. A skeleton that had a long beard and wore a mage's clothes. The style of the attire was similar to that of the young Yokai, of the Sonon Kingdom, except that unlike the sorcerer's apprentice, this outfit was light blue instead of black and had silver instead of gold trimmings. Unsure, she approached the dead man. Suddenly there was a noise behind her. Startled, the young adult turned to only stare into the green face of a woman floating right in front of her. The eye sockets were black and red lights shone out. The woman's dress was old and tattered, her body was scrawny and thin. There was stringy black hair on her head and she stank of wet and old wood. The princess tried to move her, but she was frozen, her legs wouldn't move and her hands were shaking. The environment grew colder. Soft laughter and whispers echoed through the room. Two more of the figures joined them. Everyone was smiling and grinning with the same pale face and hollow eyes.

"Look, just a person" said one, but her voice was so rough and quiet that it was more of a whisper.

"So young and good" giggled the third.

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