The sun after the darkness

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Harvey looked around, although he didn't need sleep as a mirror, he had decided to fall into a similar state to kill time. It seemed more logical to him than waiting eight hours for his comrades, and he wanted to maintain habits.

"Wide awake?" he asked his friend inside, the only person he couldn't see, only feel.

"Yes, always. Somebody has to keep watch if you fall into an unnecessary sleep," she explained cheerfully and he noticed how she walked up and down.

"Anything exciting happened in the last few hours?" he asks curiously, not expecting an answer."Snow White woke up in the middle of the night and catapulted Rin across the room, she didn't think it was nice. Alice got up before Regina, as always, and went for a walk. By the way, the queen snored softly at times, you of course twice as loud. Felt like you were doing a snoring contest." said the girl, laughing.

"I can't lose even in my sleep," he proudly boasted.

"He's good at one thing and acts as if he's good at everything. What a lousy self-reflection," Regina replied, who was sitting next to him and eating an apple.

"Finally she's thrown her kindness overboard and is eating Rin. I don't miss her," the wizard joked.

"It's a normal apple!" giggled Mary"For sure?" asks the queen deadly serious.

"WAKE UP PRINCESS" Rin's voice sounded from the other side of the cave, she must have just woken up the girl. Shortly thereafter, a dull bang was heard.

"Ouch-" Snow White groaned in pain and Harvey regretted not being able to see what had just happened.

"Well I guess that'll answer that she's NOT eating Rin," explains his friend,

"Not yet," he and the Queen replied in sync.

"I would do it myself, but unfortunately it's difficult for me to eat right now."

"I don't even know what he means!" giggled Rin, just carried into his field of vision on Snow White's hands. The younger sat down with the others and Regina threw her an apple.

"Cannibalism," the cursed woman hissed, while the princess bit into the apple. He had never really been aware, after all the thousands of years he had lived and in which he had met all kinds of people, that these people had grown incredibly dear to him. Only when he thought he had lost them and would never see them again did the magician realize that he had taken too many things for normal.

"Hey Alice, do you want an apple too?" asked Regina and waved to the cave entrance. Shortly thereafter, the girl also appeared in his field of vision and sat down as well.

"No thanks, I've already eaten." she replied with a smile and threw a look at Mary.

"How are you? Are you hungry?" asks the witch worried"No don't worry, just like Harvey, I don't need food"

"No one asks me," grumbled the mirror, mockingly annoyed

"Nobody cares either, idiot" giggled Alice's sister. Had he been in human form, he would have slapped her on the back of the head, but as it was, all he could do was to convey his amusement at her insult as a snarl.

"Any enemies nearby?" the evil queen now asks and stood up.

"No, I didn't see anyone. They probably moved back because of the storm," Alice guessed, packing her book and a few small items in her bag.

"By the way, it's extremely practical that you're cursed and can't carry your luggage yourself anymore," Alice said reproachfully.

"We don't have that much luggage," Rin said calmly.

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