Steps in the woods

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Autumn had come slowly. The leaves turned orange, the days grew shorter and colder. I looked at the little clouds that made up my breathing. It was early morning, the sun was just rising on the horizon and fog was obscuring my view of the forest. Inwardly I was already looking forward to winter, the cold time, snow would glitter everywhere and the world would snuggle up in a dreamy coat. I smiled to myself. The river next to which I was resting rippled softly. I had been passing through Adrik for almost four days now, my goal was to travel to the capital as quickly as possible and then to leave for Kaida. I hadn't been to the land of magicians for a long time, it really was a beautiful place and breathtaking in winter. Frozen lakes, white fields of just snow, a few mountains here and there and if you took the trouble you could even see the ocean in winter. Maybe I should do that if I was lucky enough to get there. When the full moon shone in the night, the people in the city celebrated their festivals and the shooting stars fell in droves, the world seemed so beautiful. I could also go and look for a kite. A long time ago I heard that these animals could give you wonderful things, more beautiful than wealth. Without thinking further, I jumped to my feet, strengthened myself, stretched and took a deep breath of the fresh air. This was sure to be a great day. I grabbed my bag and started running through the forest at a fast pace. Nothing was better than walking around in this weather. With every step I took, the fog was swirled up, I was fast and quiet, although some animals looked up curiously, none of them ran away from me, I was one with them. With them and nature. There was a tree trunk in my path, so full of energy I jumped up and used my air magic to push myself much higher, so that I was floating in the air for a few seconds and then landed on a large branch. The fog slowly lifted, the sun began to warm the forest, the red and yellow leaves shone even brighter. A smile spread across my face again. I ran my hands through my short hair and looked off into the distance. Silence filled the forest this morning, not in an oppressive way, rather pleasantly. The beings woke up only slowly, the people in the villages far away did not disturb this place. A beautiful morning in the forest, I loved something like that with all my heart. I reached for an apple which was tucked away in my backpack, the nice lady in the village I was in a few days ago was kind enough to sell it to me. It tasted delicious. But the small community itself had not been very nice. It had been a tangled mess, someone had stolen something and soldiers had been everywhere. There, in the middle of the night, I heard over and over again the sound of new soldiers arriving and shouting orders. I shook off the memory, now I was here. There was no reason to remember such things.

A noise made me sit up and take notice. Footsteps, a little further away from here someone ran through the forest. The person seemed to be fleeing from something, for he was walking unevenly and hastily. I jerked my hand to my sword, whatever was happening, it was my duty to help. I followed the sound. It took me some time to reach my destination as the unknown fled in the opposite direction. I realized it was a girl, but I didn't realize what she was fleeing from. It was getting late in the evening, I had totally lost sight of her time. I tried very hard not to lose the stranger, she had dark hair, the snow-white strands that covered her face were very striking, her dress was violet and had a scarf that also served as a hood. The girl's skin was a slightly darker shade, just like mine, but that wasn't unusual. The air around them smelled of fear and despair. I approached her. When she suddenly fell to the ground. I hurriedly approached her.

"Hey are you OK?" I asked worried, but the younger one didn't answer and whispered something to herself. Tears fell on the ground and her whole body trembled. I carefully squatted down in front of her.

"Hello? Do you hear me? Do you need help?" I kept talking, but again she didn't answer. I grab her shoulder uncertainly. She winces violently.

"Hey, don't worry, I want to help you." I explain, but she looked at me with absent green blue eyes.

"SINCE YOU KILLED HER!" she cried out of context, pushing me away and running on.

"WAIT!" I screamed, worried and hurried after her. Something was wrong with her, I had to help her. Although I could run fast, I found it difficult to follow her, it was as if nature wanted to protect her. Branches and trees began to block my path. Without hesitation, I followed her anyway. The hunt continued until dusk. I lost sight of her for a moment, but then I heard her scream. Adrenaline shot through my body and I gathered all the strength I had inside me to catapult myself to her with the wind. Just at the last moment I was able to stop her from falling down a cliff. Clutching the girl's hand tightly, I realized how hot she was. She literally glowed. The stranger is still valuing herself, I sighed softly

"Sorry, this is for your own good" I whispered, knocking her unconscious. I immediately caught her and picked the girl up. It was light, a little too light for my taste. I ran back into the forest and looked for a river. I was able to locate him quickly and put the girl down. My backpack under her head. She had a high fever, maybe she had been overexerting herself or hadn't slept much. It was clear to me now that she had been hallucinating the whole time.

"Poor thing..." I muttered to myself, laying a wet rag on her head. He carefully poured some of my energy into her, I didn't know her and healing wasn't my area of expertise but it would help her. Eventually I built a campfire and watched over the unknown until the sun rose on the horizon.

I dozed off for a moment when I suddenly heard a loud noise. I was suddenly wide awake. So was she. I immediately squatted down next to the girl, still disoriented she looked at me.

"Don't be afraid, I want to help you" I explain carefully and check her temperature, she wasn't as hot as before. I sighed in relief and then sat down. With a smile, I grabbed another apple and cut it in half.

"Hi, my name is Mio and who are you?" I offered her the apple in a friendly manner and she hesitantly accepted it.

"Alice..." whispered the stranger.

"Hi Alice. I found you in the woods yesterday, how are you?" uncertainly, the younger pushed a strand of hair behind one of her pointy ears. But she didn't answer, instead the girl started to eat.

"Where do you want to go? If you want to go to the capital, I can take you with me!" I then explained with a smile. Alice now made eye contact with me.

"Funny ears..." she murmured under her breath, pointing at my head. I wiggled them happily.

"I am of the Dier race, as you can see, with wolf-like attributes. You are an elf, aren't you? Where are you from?" I kept smiling at her, my wolf tail kept wagging back and forth, I was always happy to meet new people.

"Shay Mountains..." she answered shortly and lowered her eyes again. There was sadness in her eyes.

"A beautiful place, but nothing compared to the lakes in Kaida, I tell you. They are beautiful. I could just walk across the fields and forests of the country for years. Have you ever seen a dragon?" The younger finished her meal and looked up again, then shook her head.

"Too bad, me neither, but I've heard they're supposed to be big and majestic. So you're coming to the capital with me?" She looked at me nervously. I giggled

"Don't worry I don't bite, most people taste really disgusting." Surprise spread across her gaze. I jumped to my feet and grabbed my backpack.

"Come!" I confidently held out my hand to her. She took it hesitantly and then got up.

"We are traveling to the West, to the beautiful royal city of the Feniki" the girl remained silent. We walked through the deciduous forest all day, I told Alice many things, about our destination, Kaida and things I've seen. The younger asked a few questions now and then, but was silent most of the time. She seemed infinitely sad and lonely. I didn't dare to ask what had happened, so I tried my best to cheer her up, but unfortunately without success. The girl was a mystery to me. Somehow she seemed familiar to me too, but I didn't know where from. And so, not knowing who she was and where she came from, I walked with her through the forest.

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