When curiosity wins

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Rin woke up to a loud scream. Immediately wide awake, the cursed witch tried to find the cause, but only saw a white wall of fog. A white wall and a figure. A creature of shadows staring straight into her face with round blue eyes. The girl cried out in horror too. "WHAT ARE YOU? WHAT DO YOU WANT?"

"RIN?" Snow White's voice sounded anxiously behind her.

"PRINCESS I AM HERE HELP IT STARES DIRECTLY INTO MY SOUL!" she squeaks anxiously. The eyes of the figure before her were so large and bright that she could see her own reflection in them. There was a soft chatter and suddenly she moved. "AH! IT LIFTS ME UP!" she narrowed her eyes in fear.

"It's me..." her comrade whispers in a trembling voice. Relief flooded through the apple.

"Why are you always screaming?" complains Harvey, who was holding the girl's other hand. "Please direct me to the beings, I want to look at them!" the magician then ordered the princess, who still slightly trembling followed his command.

"I've never seen anything like this... what's that? Where are we? Where are the others?" she asked with a trembling voice.

"I want to know that too!" Rin explains, trying not to sound too scared.

"What it is we don't know, but it's either a deception from the Feen or a being possessed by them. We haven't moved from the place, we're where we fell asleep after being enchanted. Where Regina and Alice are, we don't know. Maybe they're hidden from our eyes in the fog or they're not here anymore. We don't know any more than you do" comes Mary's calm voice from the mirror.

"Fascinating..." Harvey murmurs under his breath. The creature was just as curious as the wizard, not moving, just staring back, head tilted slightly. It chattered quietly to itself. A rumble shook the forest, Snow White's grip tightened and she pulled Rin closer to her body. Harvey held her steadily toward the creature. "I can't take it in." he explained "So it's not a human or anything like that"

"I thought we all knew that" hissed the scared apple. Suddenly, the shadowy unknown opened a mouth and grabbed the mirror. Startled, the princess withdrew her hand, the magician was gone. The being turned and moved away from them.

"WE HAVE TO FOLLOW!" shouts Rin assertively. The girl got up immediately.

"Should we really?" asks the older one, with a trembling voice.

"YES! We won't leave him alone." Without further hesitation, she hurries after the figure. This is now chattering loudly and other beings appear and rush in the same direction. Frightened, she accelerated the pace, clutched the apple tightly and kept her eyes on the unknown being. The forest became more and more overgrown. Trees were growing closer together and it was becoming increasingly difficult to keep up the pace and not sink into the dense fog. Suddenly she was outside. In the middle of a bright clearing. Startled, she narrowed her eyes to avoid being blinded by the light. From one moment to the next, a thousand impressions poured into her. It was suddenly much warmer, the air smelled sweeter and there were a lot more noises than in the fog. Birds chirping, the rustling of grass and wind. What particularly stood out were the bright voices that came from everywhere. Confused, the princess carefully opened her eyes. The shadowy being had stopped. A few figures stood around it and looked at something. She had never seen such creatures before. On their heads they wore large mushrooms of different colors, their eyes covered by what appeared to be a mask. All of them floated in the air, enveloped in a small cloud. Snow White wondered if those were the Feen Harvey was talking about. She stepped closer to the group. The clearing they were in was large. It reminded her of a village. Small houses and caves could be seen everywhere and other of these mushroom creatures were also in the area. She noticed what was closest to her and turned her head curiously.

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