An end and a beginning

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Everything was spinning in Regina's head, at first Harry was standing in front of her, then behind her and then at the other end of the room. Without taking any consideration, he swept past her again and again. Came down on her with slash after slash, constantly waiting for her to lose cover. Yokai stood helplessly by the door. Harry ignored the boy and he was unable to do anything until the man stayed in one place. If only he could be grasped for a few moments and not somewhere else if one only dared to wink. Mio still hadn't moved and she didn't know where the princess was. Again the sound of metal clattering on metal echoed through the room. Staggering for balance, she turned on her heel and was only able to fend off another attack at the last moment. Desperation swept over the adults, this man played with them as they struggled to survive. It wasn't fair, but what in this world had ever been fair? The death of the woman she loved hadn't been fair, and for her mother to rule a country and no one doubted her wasn't fair either.

"HELP ME" she yells at the young magician, but he shakes his head just as desperately.

"I do not know how!"

"FLEE YOU FOOLS" Harvey yells, he too seems to have recognized the hopelessness.

Just in and out. Just get in the palace, outwit Harry, and then break the curse. That had been the plan. They hadn't just underestimated the man a bit, they had underestimated him enormously and that was their undoing. Without thinking about it, she tried to run away, somehow get out of his game, and find another way to beat him. But without warning he just stood in front of her, laughing.

"Stupid girl!" he tapped her shoulder. Frightened, she jumped back. Stumbled to the ground when her feet wouldn't move and tried to do something while an unbelievable chill spread through her limbs. Her fingers and feet seemed frozen. no They were frozen. Very slowly ice spread over her body. Let pain pass through her. Green eyes met brown ones. Harry seemed to be enjoying himself. Kneeled down in front of her and grinned calmly. He lowered his hand to her waist and took the mirror. The ice was already enclosing the woman's forearms and thighs. She stared at him without moving. Something in her hoped he would undo it. you liberate. Keep alive. But Regina knew it would never come to that. The room seemed silent. Nobody dared to speak. Tears made her eyes wet. She had seen death often enough, but she was afraid of it. afraid to die. That it would all be over Harry didn't take his eyes off her, watching her closely, it seemed like he was looking into her soul. Her head grew heavy, the ice creeping up her neck and throat.

"Forgive me," she whispered softly, having let her comrades down. Regina closed her eyes, a tear ran down her cheek. In the last moments in which she could still think clearly, a comforting thought appeared in her head like a soft light. The image of a woman. Not just a woman, no, her girlfriend. Her fiance. She opened her arms invitingly. Smiled at Regina with her red lips, her blue eyes shone in the sun, her light blue dress blew in the wind. 'Mika ... I come to you'

"NO REGINA!" screamed Mary, pounding the glass with her hands in desperation. Tried to escape, to do something, even though she knew it wasn't possible. Tears blurred her vision as she looked down at the icy stature sitting below. Motionless. "WHY! WHY ARE YOU DOING ALL THIS!?" she kept screaming, banging her fists on the glass incessantly.

"You and my little brother should never have turned against me. If you had just stayed with me instead of turning these people against me, they would be fine now. It's your fault and you don't have to ask, little princess will die from the poison and I made sure you couldn't stop it" whispers the older one calmly.

"YOU BASTARD!" Harvey's angry voice thundered across the room. "ONE DAY I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER FOR IT!" he continued to yell.

"I look forward to that day, brother," the man laughed triumphantly.

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