Ghost Breathing forms!!

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First form; Spirit Sundown
-Spins in a circular motion (up and spin if demons above you٫ Normal side to side spin if demons around you)

Second form; Possession  of the Ghost
-Uses wisteria poison in a thrust attack٫ any direction attack (she uses a normal Katana٫ not like Shinobu's)

Third form; The Haunting
-A gentle attack that is used in any direction. When spinning٫ the slayer should get enough momentum to spin and land an attack on the demon٫ after that attack٫ a white-black  stream should appear afterwards. Finishing attack.

Fourth form; Spirit of the Deer
-When used, the slayer will gain momentum by letting the wind run up against the katana. Soon after, a  white deer should appear; Finishing attack

Fifth form; White light thrust
-A mid-air spinning attack that is commonly used when the breather is surrounded by many demons (5+). The user may only use this form 1-5 times in their time. Thrust attack.

Sixth form; Into the spirit realm
-The most affective form of them all٫ using 2 different poisions٫ Wisteria and one that [Y/N] made. The concentration of the amouny of poison is high٫ being able to defeat Uppermoon 6 to Lowermoon 6! Breathers use this form when encountering a Kizuki most. Normal slaying attack.

Seventh form; Ghosting
-This one is a thrust attack that blind the demon with the light coming from the katana. The demon is usually blinded for 5 seconds, giving the slayer (s) enough time to decapitiate it.

Eighth form; White flower
-This form uses a small concentration of wisteria poison, just enough to make a normal demon start to get dizzy, Kizuki not affected. When the demon gets the poison in their system, they start to see flowers until the demon dies from either the poison or the slayer.

Ninth form; The innerwind between
-This attack takes all the breathers stamina usually. When using this form, you have to find all the anger built in your memories, and put all the anger in your hands to gain the grip of the hilt, which will then make the blade spark white lights and spirits of the people you think about will appear around you. Those spirits will then guide you to victory.

Tenth form; The afterlife
- This form is mainly used with other people slaying the demon with you, due to this being an attack that doesn't have much force. The blade will shimmer a dim, white light, and then you use all your force into the thrust to try and force the demon backwards.

11th form: Final Form; The connection

thrust attack, uses the ghost force to make the impact harder.

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