T w e l v e

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"What Happened."

~Normal POV~

His tone, it startled me. It sounded harsh. My hands started trembling and I looked down, trying to catch my breath."

~Tomioka POV~

She looked down in her lap, slowing her breathing.

"I was training and I tripped while running up the tree..."

"That's all I needed to know."

"I will go and clean it now.. Gomen"

I grabbed her sleeve, preventing her from going outside.

"You're not going outside this late at night."

I signaled her to sit next to me, and I got food. Knowing she hasn't eaten since she started training. I had to remind her to eat when she was focused on training that it became a habit by now. When I got back and sat down next to her, I set down a bento box infront of her. She did a small prayer before picking up her chopsticks and slowly eating the stuff inside the box. Honestly٫ it seems like something is bothering her٫ but how will I know.

~Y/N POV (normal pov)~
I slowly ate my bento٫ and thanked Tomioka. I got up from where I was sitting and went to my room٫ closing the bamboo door behind me.
'I miss when me and Onii-san used to hang out.'

That's all I Could think about. When we used to train and run and hang out. He never hangs out with me from the time I became a tsugoku to current time. Is he busy or just not wanting to talk to me?

~Third person pov~
Y/n's eyes got watery. The purple and blue orbs looking like they had lip gloss on them. The steaming tears ran down Y/n's face as she wiped some away. Y/n was never the type to cry٫ or show emotion like this٫ but thats what people assume from her attitude. Once you get to Y/n٫ she is an amazing friend to have. Tomioka was worried about her success٫ since she did almost get attacked by a demon while training. If Y/n continues to zone out like this٫ she won't have much success.

"Tanjiro٫ what rank do you think it will be?"
"Maybe a Lower rank? A higher rank is alot to handle Y/n"
"I know٫ also did you hear the Flame Hashira is coming with us on this mission?"
"Oh٫ yeah! Give me a second."
I watched Tanjiro walk over to Zenitsu and Inosuke and signal them to put away they're katanas like we did. Though٫ the guards seen them. I was already on the train٫ and the others hurried on after me.

"So٫ Y/n! You made it here fast! Sit down!"
Rengoku-sama pointed infront of him. I kindly sat down and waited for the others٫ who were WAY behind. As they were slowly walking down the aisle and row me and Kyojuro were on.

"Y/n, what is it like being Tomioka's tsugoku? I can tell he is a bit protective of you!!"

"Oh. It is nice, he is vocal around me. A little bit I should say. But he has helped me a bit."

"That's amazing! You have grown since Final Selection! A lot, Y/n! What type of stuff does he make you do? And is he ever there?"

"Not really, I follow a list he gave me, but he helps me when he is there and not on a mission."

"At least he helps you! I heard master and him talking before I left a meeting, and master said that you have the ability to become a Hashira very soon!"

"That's... good I guess."

The others soon arrived.

"Hello, Rengoku-sama!"

"Tanjiro I'm scareddddddd!!!"

"what is this monster demon thing!?!"

"Hello, Tanjiro! Tell your friends to sit along with me and Y/n!"

They all had a small talk while I was just sitting in the corner looking out the train window. I knew there was a blood demon art here, so I was very cautious. But there were beautiful sights n the train. When the ticket stamper guy came around, I never had so much trouble breathing..

TYSM FOR OVER 200 VIEWS AND ALMOST 300! Sorry about not uploading often٫ problems struck between friends but anyways thank you all for the support!!
ILYSM/p and have an amazing day

738 words including the a/n

Always by each other's side. **-Giyu Tomioka x Y/n Iguro-**On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara