F o u r t e e n

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                                                                                                                              "I can't loose him too.."


"Tanjiro! The neck must be somewhere near the head of the train! Go there to hit the neck!"

As I said that٫ my hand got trapped by the demon. I tried to slice it off٫ but it had both my arms٫ slowly stretching my arms out. It felt like hell. My arms were fully stretched. I was struggling.

' Dont struggle now٫ not now.'

I tried everything. Everything I could handle. Everything I could manage to do by myself.

"Dont expect me to leave you suffering٫ N/n!"
My arms were finally released.

"Arigato٫ Rengoku."

I shot a small٫ quick smile at him before gathering to injured passengers to shield them٫ knowing whats coming.

The train flipped to its side. The demon dead. Many injured including me. We rushed people away from the train while Tanjiro helped a man stuck under the train. I was bleeding from the side of my head.

'A Nice٫ clean cut I guess'

Ren helped Tanjiro with his injury. I just watched. It amazed me how he was still smiling. I shouldn't be suprised٫ we have helped eachother since Final Selection. I randomly get a bad feeling٫ one of that I should warn somebody.

"Rengoku! I feel like someth-"

I heard something jumping towards us. Quickly. I drew my katana and got in a ready position and whip around to meet eyes right in front of mine....

Upppermoon 3? Why him right now..

"HEY GHOST GIRL WATCH OUT!" I hear Inosuke yell as soon as I duck to dodge an attack from Akaza. (I KNOW HE DOESNT ATTACK WOMEN BUT IN THIS HE DOES)

I look at him dead in the eye then jump back.

"So you're the girl that came out alive from Doma? Impressive٫ but not enough yet."

Rengoku comes up behind me٫ ready for battle.


I feel my body going numb slowly as I reach my limit. My pupil looks as it was white as snow.


I get kicked in the side by Akaza٫ being thrown into a tree in the process.

We have to win.

I get back up and quietly sneak up on Akaza mid-air٫ cutting both his arms off before he could attack Kyojuro.

"I see you guys would love to see me die٫ huh?"

"I am fighting for the life of my friends٫ which you filthy creature kill. Disgusting I say.."

Rengoku is holding Akaza's arm while the other is in his stomach. Rage engulfs me. I throw my katana as hard as I possibly can with how wounded I am (She is more wounded that Rengoku٫ just not to the point of death)

I hear a screech from the demon and see it through his head. Perfect. I grab my kunai from my torn haori and walk slowly up behind the demon٫ putting the poison in the wound from the katana. The boys run up and Inosuke cuts off his arms and Akaza runs off. Tanjiro is full of rage as I am٫ and he throws his katana٫ piercing Akaza in the chest. I collapse as I see Tanjiro crying٫ and Rengoku speaking to him. As they finish٫ I limp over to the wounded Hashira٫ and collapse infront of him as he hugs me with the rest he has.

"Please stay strong for me٫ please Y/n. Take care of yourself and them."

He goes limp. I stare at the body infront of me٫ tears flowing out uncontrollably. Inosuke helps me up and we walk away٫ all disappointed we couldn't do more.

''Im a tsugoku٫ I should have been in his place."

As I sit down and life becomes blurry٫ Zenitsu and Inosuke yelling my name٫ I look at him one more time.

"I can't loose him too.."

HEY! Ya liking the sadness? I am SOBBING lol. Fluff next few chapters! Please leave any feedback if you have some!! :))
680 Words including A/N

Always by each other's side. **-Giyu Tomioka x Y/n Iguro-**Where stories live. Discover now