T h i r t e e n

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Before I knew it٫ I struggled to breathe. I was the only awake. I was nervous. I am every mission. But this one٫ this one set me to the more٫ I should say٫ careful side..

I looked around٫ everybody was passed out besides me. My vision was getting super blurry. I sensed the demon. It was٫ I dont know٫ inside or on the train?
I shook Rengoku and the others.

No response.


No response.

I got out my katana from under my seat٫ slowly٫ trying not to make much noise.


(Nezuko POV)


Why did Y/N-san jump? Am I scary?



"Im sorry you just scared the shit out of me Nez."


I point to Tanjiro٫ then look back at her.

"Burn the ropes٫ I'm gonna find that demon"

"Mmm mm!"

I agreed and watched her jump out the window onto the train. I believed in her٫ she is a tsugoku after all. But she has potential. I headbutted Tanjiro٫ which resulted in my head bleeding.

"MM MM!"

I slammed my hands down on Tanjiro٫ which used my demon art to burn the ropes. Tanjiro soon later woke up to see Rengoku strangling a girl with another rope. I was sitting there٫ just confused as ever.

"Burn the rest of the ropes Nezuko"

I did as told٫ one by one I burnt the ropes and they soon woke up.

(Y/n POV)
I climbed the top of the train٫ keeping my guard up and listening closely. I'm guessing Nezuko awoke the others٫ seeing as I hear Tanjiro. Looking side to side٫ front and behind carefully٫ I watched every slight movement. After 5 minutes of crawling on the train٫ I see Tanjiro battling another figure. I looked closely while I drew out my blade slowly.

'Lower moon one huh?'

I soon was sneaking up behind the lower moon٫ preparing to use a form to stall him some time. I mumble the form I use٫ as quiet as I can٫ so nobody suspects me near.

"First form... Spirit Sundown..."

I then swiftly emerge from behind the demon٫ Tanjiro looking at me suprised as he was about to attack. I nod my head٫ signaling him to attack first٫ then I will finish him off (Sorry changing actual script for reasons)

As Tanjiro finishes his attack٫ I begin mine. I jump up٫ twisting my upper body to the (left/right). I dim yellow light shines from my blade٫ and then I strike. The demon٫ lower moon 1٫ defeated like that. As I finish the attack٫ Tanjiro looks down at my wrist.

'Shit٫ I forgot to tell anybody about that. Not that I wanted to anyways. AND FORGOT TO WEAR THE BANDAGES TO COVER THEM? Couldn't get any worse. Not even Tomioka knows about them yet.'


I finally use my first form٫ Spirit Sundown. A dim yellow light shines٫ and then brother looks at my shocked when I cut through all the bamboo.

"Why are you shocked٫ I've done it before?"

"Look at your wrist."

I look down to see a little white swirl right under my wrist bone. It was cute٫ it looked like ghosts swirling around eachother.
But why do I have it? I have seen it before٫ every time I use my breathing. I know how it appeared٫ I over-did myself and thats why my right pupil is grey. And my lips are a little more pale than before. Nobody seemed to notice٫ but٫ now brother did..


"Do not ask now٫ Tanjiro. Focus on the demon. It fused with the train."

"Okay٫ but you better explain soon."

To be continued...

Hey you guys! Author Jade here! Just wanted to say ima change the beginnings up a bit٫ and add onto flashbacks and character details more! Also revealing a small secret between Rengoku and Y/n! You may take a guess! Have a lovely day/afternoon/night!! Published early Lisa! (calling you that for short sorry٫ you commented ideas to my alt and commented last chapter)

701 words including a/n

Always by each other's side. **-Giyu Tomioka x Y/n Iguro-**Where stories live. Discover now