S i x t e e n

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{Y/n pov}

Okay٫ WHY WAS I BLUSHING SO HARD. WHAT. WHY. HOW. AAAAAA. I need a break٫ even though I'm not supposed to be outside I will go anyways. But let me write in my journal first

' Dear Journal٫
Hello٫ me again. Just need to say this for the 515th time. Lets rant about my hatred for Muzan. Man slaughtered my friends right infront of me on a mission we were accidentally assigned on. LIKE IT WAS SO UPSETTING. I really dont get why he thinks he rules the world٫ pretty weird٫ but oh well.

I have fallen in love٫ just a lil itty bitty crush٫ ON MY TRAINER. IT FEELS WRONG.
Wait he is only like 2 years older than me. HOW DID I NEVER REALIZE THAT. He had to treat my wounds and re-wrap my bandages today so it was alot of physical touching and I blushed a lil too hard. We kinda bonded٫ I think? We talked alot more at least. Anyways let me go outside and live my life while theres demons outside.

-Y/n Iguro on {INSERT DATE}

"Welp thats done" I said louder than I meant to.

"Whoops" I whisper as I hop out the window. It really hurt but oh well. I walk up the hill near the estate and sit down. I luckily have my katana up here in the tree next to me. I start to zone out looking at the stars. They fascinate me٫ too much. I usually bring extra supplies٫ but last time I was up here I left my blanket and snacks in a small bag under a tree root above the ground.
I grab the blanket and cover my legs with it٫ as it was currently chilly outside.

{Giyu POV}
I slowly wake up٫ hearing the window open. I think its just me but soon I hear a thump from outside Y/n's window. I got up and checked her room.

Not there.


Not there.

I check outside٫

Not there either. Maybe she felt cold and went to get a blanket. I'm over exaggerating٫ but what if she is outside? Theres demons. Why do I care so much? Let me just check outside٫ its been an hour I have been looking inside. I head outside to see a small light on top of the hill. I walk up there٫ holding a Kunai just in case. I alwaye have this on me٫ no reason at all. As I get up to the top of the hill٫ I see her sleeping on the hill with a blanket over her legs. Yet she is injured and it is chilly٫ she clearly doesn't care. (MANS EMOJI WHEN HE SEEN Y/N BE 😐) I pick her up٫ in the only way I could٫ bridal style٫ with the blanket still over he. I walk back to the house with the girl in my arms٫ looking down to make sure she is okay.

' She looks cute.. What am I thinking.'

I make it back inside and put her down on her mat٫ covering her with the blanket in her room and head back to mine٫ falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

{Y/n pov when she wakes up}

I slowly open my eyes٫ realizing I fell asleep outside. But I'm not outside? Oh my god did Giyu wake up and carry me inside. WAIT HE DID. How do I thank him? Do I even thank him? Oh my god this is confusing.

I walk out to see him sitting on the porch. I didn't think much of it٫ he usually does it. I start to cook something for breakfast٫ more like brunch. I start training again today and need to start waking up early. I was making toast٫ and I heard him sigh. I didn't know what to do with it٫ so I stayed quiet. Was he stressed? Its normal to be stressed but.

"You okay٫ Giyu?"

".. Oh uh yeah. Tired."

"Okay.. do you want some toast?"

"I already ate٫ but thank you."


I grab my toast٫ and head up to the hill I was at last night. I have something I needed to finish. I felt his eyes on me٫ watching me run up the hill. I'm already healed enough to run and train٫ considering I slept for a month. I jump in the tree٫ and grab my old haori. I needed a new one anyways. I take a bite of my toast and start sewing together a new haori.

{Obanai Pov}

God where is she٫ I need to apologize. Why did I even say that? I spot her up in a tree sewing a new haori. Should I talk to her? Yeah٫ let me say that I'm sorry.

I tap her leg٫ and she looks down quickly. I seen a quick spark in her eyes when I tapped her but it was soon to go away.

"Just want to say I'm sorry about the fight."

She jumps down and looks me in my eyes.

"It's okay. Though the words may have hurt٫ I forgive you."

"I'm sorry٫ Y/n."

Always by each other's side. **-Giyu Tomioka x Y/n Iguro-**Where stories live. Discover now