Chapter Three

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Hey it's Lea here @IWontGiveUpOn_Milk and you can vote and comment please :)


Beau's P.O.V

It was morning as we packed our things to get ready for England. I have never been to England before but I always wanted to go. "Are you alright?" My mum asked putting her hand on my back.

"I'm fine, lets go and get my sister back" I said as we walked out of the house and into the car.

We arrived at the airport and we were sitting in the departure lounge waiting for our flight to be called out. "Are you alright Beau, you haven't spoke since we left the house" Jai asked.

"I'm fine okay shut up" I hissed and looked away. Even though I have lived with younger brothers my whole life it was crazy too think that I never noticed I had a sister even how I'm the eldest. I am so stupid that I never noticed her. I hate myself for it and how my 'dad' took her away its alot to take in. The person called everyone that our flight was departing as we got into the plane and I fell asleep knowing its going to be a LONG flight.

Maiya's P.O.V

I woke up with Sam screaming in my eye "GET UP"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP I HEAR YOU" I screamed back at him.

"MAIYA LET ME NOT HEAR THAT WORD AGAIN" Dad shouted from downstairs. I only meant it for Sam not Dad.

"SORRY" I shouted back and glared at a sniggering Sam. "Why are you waking me up anyway?" I asked climbing out of bed.

"We have got guests" he mumbled and walked out. When do we ever have 'guests' at the house? I wrapped my dressing gown round me and put my feet into my duck slippers and walked out of the bedroom. I got downstairs to see dad, Charlie and Sam looking at me smiling on one couch and on the other couch where three really tanned good looking guys and a beautiful woman that has the same coloured hair as me.

"Hey I'm Maiya" I smiled and sitting next to my dad.

"Hi darling I'm Gina your" she stopped talking as everybody looked at her weirdly. Em okay?

"I'm Beau, this is Luke and Jai and we are your" the guy with the green eyes exactly like mine.

"What are you guys?" I asked dad as he looked at me sadly.

"These are your real brothers and mother, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you but your going back to Australia with them but dnt worry we will visit soon" he said as I stood up shocked.

"I-I can-t go Dad y-you know my whole l-life involves here with Sam and Charlie I c-can't go" I stuttered with tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry darling but you have no choice" dad said as I took a step backwards.

"But I don't know these people how can you let me go with them" I snarled at my dad.

"Honey just come with us and if you don't like it then you can always come back" Gina said if opulent call her mum just now. I thout about it? Should I go and leave everyone back here and start a new life in a place I have never been or have been before? What about my dad, Sam and Charlie? Will they come and visit me? I guess this is basically like a once in a lifetime opportunity and of course Australia is suppose to be the nicest place to go on holiday. Oh what the hey, they did say that I can easily come back.

"Okay I will go but when are we leaving?" I asked looking at my 'brothers'

"Tomorrow so I guess you should get packing Maiya" one with the lip ring said and I think it was Jai? Or was it Luke? I not sure.

"Okay I will go now" I said and ran up the stairs taking out a massive suitcase and started putting clothes in.

I just hope I will be okay there.

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