6: The witch

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Third person P.O.V

"Get away from me!" Taehyung spat and pushed the raven-haired who was about to retort but the older woman was quick to turn him with a stern gaze.

"Look at me, Kim Taehyung," The said male felt his mind going numb when he saw the woman's eyes fixed on his, it was like he forgot to use his own brain and body.

"Calm down and come back with me. I'll tell you everything and you will listen to it, without any interruption." Taehyung gulped, finding his head nodding without his consent as he followed the woman.

Jungkook sighed and rubbed his temple with a frown before getting hold of the shawl from the servant of his mother and sprawled it over Taehyung's shoulder who was calm, just as demanded by his mother.

Taehyung walked like a real hypnotized male behind the woman and couldn't retort when a hand was placed over his lower back to assist him through the path which lead them to a well-built and huge house, which was a single-story.

Jeon Suhee, the mother of Jungkook was a strong woman, not a wolf but a witch. She had a lot of powers but the mixture of her and Jungkook's father, Jeon Hawan, a powerful alpha, made Jungkook way more than just powerful. But unfortunately, the hybrid of the two species led to some complications, and some reasons were still unknown to them.

"Jungkook, you come inside and all of you, go back to your homes and get some rest." Suhee compiled before entering her room, with Taehyung and Jungkook following behind her while the others scurried away as per the order of their first Luna.

Suhee gestured to Jungkook who made Taehyung sit on the couch in the small but elegant room. Taehyung was still under the spell, which was clear from his blown wide pupils. Noting it, Suhee took a deep breath and made herself comfortable on her bed in front of the human.

"We mean no harm to you, Taehyung. I understand, whatever had happened was so abrupt and shocking to you, and at the same time, I believe that Jungkook's method was wrong as well." The raven-haired inhaled a deep breath and leaned slightly on the backrest of the couch, knowing well what she meant. His method was really very wrong but no one said anything to him because they knew the reason as well.

Taehyung just blinked, he could hear and understand everything but just can not follow his own will to react, which also died after the command to stay calm.

"This pack is like a family to all of us, and after the death of my husband um- Jungkook's father, Jungkook is the leader of this pack. We are werewolves, except for me, and I hope, you must've heard a little about us?" Taehyung blinked slowly, because yes, he had heard about supernatural beings before, but he never believed that he would meet them in reality, who would?

"Good, then I don't need to tell you in detail that we can be in both forms depending on our will. But what I need to tell you is," Her gaze met Jungkook's nervous one and she softly sighed.

"Our wolves find their mates at the age of twenty and mostly get their other half before they turn twenty-five. But in the case of Jungkook, he couldn't find his mate til- till three days ago." Taehyung's eyes widened a little bit at that. Three days? Already?

"We were expecting a werewolf as his mate, but what we never heard, happened. He found you, a human as his mate." Taehyung's face was blank but deep down, something stirred up, something like an annoyance.

"His wolf has been waiting for a long to find his mate and that night, that night he lost his control and made you hurt." Jungkook hung his head low in shame, his human side was way more than just guilty for forcing his own mate, also in this way. But, the damage was done already.

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