7: Wait...

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Third person P.O.V

The soft breeze of the early morning was waving the black, shiny fur of the majestic wolf. The sun was ready to rise with all of its glory, ready to shine as ever to remove the darkness of the night. But soon, the human form of the alpha just stand there with his eyes filled with sadness. The darkness of the world can be reduced every day, but what about the darkness spreading in his life? What about the abyss he was feeling deep inside his heart, the one which was increasing with every passing second since he get to know his deed of dragging the innocent human to this, new world?

The robe was hanging loose on his frame that was placed at the top of his usual visiting site, even when no one come to this point of the forest where a huge mountain was present, but still, he made sure to avoid some embarrassment in front of any wandering soul.

Sitting on the hard rock, he stared at the rising sun from a distance. The beautiful colors started to paint the sky like the perfect artist nature is to make it so mesmerizing. Usually, the sight would make the raven-haired alpha smile but today, he couldn't bring his lips to curve up.

All these years, he always wished to find a humble mate, omega or not, he never asked for any specific rank, just a werewolf who would understand him and his other sides as well. He just wanted to live a life happily just like he witnessed in his pack, a life that was filled with peace, respect, and love. But maybe, he asked for more than he should have.

The whole commotion earlier proved it to him, it proved it all how much his own human mate hates him for bringing him here.

Shaking his head a little, he leaned his head back to gaze up at the sky which was now a beautiful shade of blue. "Why do you have to be so impulsive?" He asked his wolf who was again silent as ever.

"Yeah, you would never link to me, right?" Rolling his eyes in annoyance at the same silent treatment, he plopped back on the hard rock, trying hard to clear up his mind to stay focused on his other duties.

After spending some more time there, Jungkook finally made his way back to the pack house, not to his own house because he wasn't ready to face the same hate in those beautiful eyes.

"Oh, sire." A voice caught his attention when he walked back to the pack house, still in his human form after changing into the other robe near the entrance. He turned back to see Namjoon standing there with wide eyes.

"Hyung, what's wrong?" The other male shook his head and gestured for him to follow and he did to reach his house.

"Please, have a seat. We need to talk about a few things if you don't mind."

"Ok, what is it?" Jungkook inquired after taking a proper seat on the small couch in Namjoon's house. It didn't take long before he saw his other hyung coming inside the house.

"How are you feeling, Jungkook?" Jin softly asked, taking the seat beside him. Jungkook felt warm the way a hand was placed over his shoulder, an assuring gesture that his hyung was there for him.

"Honestly, I don't know, hyung." Namjoon sighed while getting a glass of milk for Jungkook and making coffee for Jin and himself.

"I can understand," Jungkook bit his lips, the words were short but he knew the pain behind them.

Namjoon and Jin, both went through the worst pain in the past days just because of the same matter, the only thing which was different, was that their mates were werewolves, but from some other pack.

Jin was the first one to find his omega mate, but he was unfortunate that she was from their enemy pack. He tried his best to get her out because she wanted to stay with him too, but the elders of the pack were beyond brutal to kill her even before she could step out with her mate.

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