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Third person P.O.V

The soft wave of the autumn breeze had his hair dance with a perfect rhythm as he cleaned the balcony of his small apartment in the busy city of Seoul. The evening was going to be a fine one... he could predict it, and it automatically brought a small smile to his plump lips.

Closing his eyes once done cleaning the floor, he leaned over the wall, taking a deep inhale of the lightly crisp air, filled with the scent of flowers he had grown over the last months to feel alive and content. Contentment came after a long journey, that still lacked one thing, and he was craving to have it sooner as well.

The soft pitter-patter had him smile more as the source moved sneakily behind him in his slippers, trying his best to surprise him, but how innocently oblivious the little one was to know that his entrance was always known.

Small hands wrapped around his legs with a squeal followed by a muffled giggle, having his heart flutter warmly. "Taetae! I'm back!"

Gasping to act along with the little boy to make him happy, the said male turned with wide eyes and smiled his unique smile. "Welcome back, my Brave baby!" Picking up the little boy, he pecked his forehead to receive sweet giggles and kisses on his both cheeks in turn.

"Taesoo has to show a lot of things to you." Pouting suddenly, he looked down at his tummy. "But I'm hungry now."

"Hmm, and Taesoo should know that I made his favorite today." Taesoo had his mouth wide open before he dragged Taehyung along to the kitchen.

"I'll wash my hands and put the plates. Let's eat together!" Taehyung nodded back enthusiastically at the excited omega, and both ended up getting their late lunch together all the while the little one narrated the whole day at school with great struggles.

"She is so pretty, Taetae." Stopping to take the last bite and clean his plate as per advice from the older, he told him about the new student they got in their class and again pouted, making Taehyung tilt his head.

"What happened?" Taesoo scrunched his nose adorably and bit his lower lip.

"She is pretty, but you are the prettiest human I've ever seen." Taehyung's smile dimmed at that, unknowingly reminding him of a certain someone who had said something familiar in the darkness of the night. Gulping down the thoughts back, he smiled back and pecked Taesoo's forehead, who smiled shyly.

"And you are the cutest baby I've ever seen."


Tucking the tired kid inside the covers, he patted his head gently and hummed lightly to get him to sleep, while his mind went back to the night when he was pampered the way he was doing right now. Even though it was months to the warm nights of cuddles that unfortunately lasted for a little time, he still felt the lingering warmth in his heart and soul.

Sighing once the kid wrapped his arm around his torso, he closed his eyes, again missing the strong yet gentle grip around his body that he had been craving since the separation... yes, separation was the final decision he had made months ago after facing the most difficult time in his life if he could overcome the grief of his grandparents' death. But again, it was his own decision to heal first before doing anything else with his shattered and traumatized mind.

Eight months, it took eight months, and it still felt like yesterday that horrible night took away many things from his life. The decision did help him to some extent, and he was grateful for that, especially for the little bundle of comfort in his arms.

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