41: Outsider

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Third person P.O.V

Groaning at the sore muscles after a good night's sleep, Taehyung opened his eyes only to find himself in his own room.


Sprinting up at the warm walls of his own room welcoming him, the blue-haired squinted his eyes, rubbing them again only to find himself in the same place.

"When did I come here?!" Throwing the blanket away, shuddering at the cool feeling seeping into his body, Taehyung got out of bed. It was 7 in the morning, but he couldn't remember when and how he reached his house. The last thing he recalled was...

"What was that?"

It all felt blank, making him rush out to his small living room to find it without any presence, and so was his kitchen devoid of any person. It meant he was alone, but how did he even get here, also at night to get up in his bed early morning?

Not finding any satisfactory answers to his questions, he simply decided to freshen up first and start his day. Just like that, he had a warm shower before getting ready for his university, all while clutching his phone close, dialing a specific contact only to find it switched off.

"What's happening?" Huffing at the lack of response, he jumped on the next contact, which answered.

"Hyung? Where are you?!"

Even though the voice was hushed, the panic was clear in that.

"I'm at my place, Junie. I d -"

"Stay there. I'm coming. Just don't tell anyone about that for now. I'm on my way." It was the very first-time Taehyung heard that oddly stern tone of the usually soft-spoken alpha, almost leaving him speechless.


Slumping back on the bed, he spaced out. He recalled being in his room, and maybe someone came to meet him as well. But who? And then how did he come here?

"Don't tell me I sleepwalked again!" Gaping at the mild guess, the blue-haired fell back on the mattress.

It was years ago when he started sleepwalking, and it went to some dangerous level of him being found on main roads. It was such a frightening time, but his grandparents worked hard to keep an eye on him. But the point was, it was so back in time, and he was completely cured, if it can be said. The second thing, the way to the pack, was highly guarded with thick vegetation surrounding it. He doesn't even remember it quite often. Then how can he cross the boundary and reach his house safe and sound?

The loud bang on his door was the source of bringing him back from his spiral thoughts. And unexpectedly, there stood Jungkook with a hood covering his head and half of his face, and no one behind him.

Blinking at the dark aura surrounding the male after so long, Taehyung was at a loss of words for the second time within half an hour.

Without exchanging any words, Jungkook turned back to the car, which had the door opened already, and it was the silent 'come on' that Taehyung followed after locking the door of his house, still puzzled.

This ride to the pack had been one of the most awkward ones as compared to the previous times. The silence was suffocating. Hence, the human broke it.

"Hyung. If I say, I don't remember what happened last night and how did I end up in my room, would you believe me?" Taehyung felt his heart beating up in his throat even when there was silence after minutes of his question.

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