55: Knife- edge

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

His mother did what? Should he believe it? Because if he did, it would be another abyss of an unending spiral of melancholy.

"What? Not believing it now?" Kimsoo smirked, making her body jerk away from the grip only to grunt in pain when she wasn't allowed.

"Stop, Kimsoo! How much hate do you have in you?"

"You can never imagine, Jeon Suhee! The amount of hate is beyond your imagination, just like your deeds." Suhee heaved out a heavy sigh, chuckling later before her head was thrown back as if she lost her mind after hearing those words. All the spectators watched it with mixed emotions about how she was losing it.

"Alright... I got it now, Kimsoo." Tilting her head a little after stopping her laughing, Suhee made her expressions twist. "You were pretending to be mute, just to know my weak points, so that you can hit me right there when needed. And see, you did it today by mixing up the lies so skilfully in the truth."

"What is the truth then? Tell us, we are waiting." Jungkook had his eyes fixed on the slumped figure of his mother.

"Well, I did tell her to give you something, but that wasn't slow poison, but sleeping dose to keep you calm while I was busy."


"Prove it then! And tell him why he couldn't see that part of my memories?" Squinting her eyes, Suhee gritted out. "You know why? Because it never happened! You tried hard to remake those memories but failed at many points, Kimsoo!"

The situation was just putting him in more and more distress that seemed to be unending at any moment. His mate just had another near-death experience, something he never thought to face, and now his mother had just proven to be a reason for the distress in his life.

"Mom -"

"Taehyung, please don't panic." Jimin's voice made him halt, but the main thing was the name of his mate fallen along the word panic.

The next second, he found his mate standing in front of him, his lips trembling like a dry leaf with pupils dilated in great horror. "Hyung..."

"Pup, you need to rest."

"NO! My hyung..." Nodding to encourage the male who desperately held onto his shirt to explain his actions, Jungkook tried his soothing pheromones.

"Hoseok hyung, they got him. They... they are threatening to harm him. I need to go, or else I'll never be able to forgive myself." The tight clutch over his shirt and the sourness of the scent was enough proof besides the trembling voice and limbs that the matter needed urgency.

With a touch soft like a petal, he cupped Taehyung's cheeks to caress it gently, nodding again to make him a bit calm. "OK, we will get him soon. Hm? Don't worry this much."

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