13: Help

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Third person POV

Taehyung was sitting on his bed, well, technically not his bed. At least he won't be going to call it his bed, just the bed in Jungkook's room, yeah. His hands were hovering over the book in his hands, given by Jimin to leave the remnants of his loneliness (as per beta's words). The title was 'when you feel lost', quite matching his own life at the moment and the ongoing drama in it.

A soft sigh left his lips when his forefinger flicked the edge of the page, his mind roaming around the small event in the house when that fragile-looking girl barged inside the house bravely. She looked very fragile to be a werewolf, but what could he say when a weak, elegant yet old lady, none other than Jungkook's mother, was also part of it all?

"She never mentioned being a witch to me, and maybe Jimin did that mistakenly as well." His mind clicked, even when he said to the blond male that the woman mentioned being a witch, but now when he recalls it clearly, she didn't. She just said everyone here is a werewolf, except her.

Rubbing the smooth paper with his finger, Taehyung leaned back on the headboard, his eyes distant within the confinement of the four walls, as his mind pondered over how to escape this golden cage

The word cage reminded him of the certain male, who happened to be still busy with his duties to even spare him a glance, and he was too happy for that. At least, he doesn't have to be on high alert in front of someone who has a great ability to read minds. But the way Jungkook's eyes sparkled after his fake enthusiasm at the end of their last talk, he felt a bit, very slightly conflicted. The male looked like having anger issues, maybe some dual personality issues as well, which all the other calls by the name of 'alpha', Jungkook's wolf. If the so-called alpha is his part, he should have some control over it, then why do they both act so opposite?

That's a bothersome question in Taehyung's mind, which was still unanswered. The whole day, he was trying hard to focus on finding any way out, but it seemed like it wasn't an easy task.

Putting the book aside, he closed his eyes, well aware that very soon Jimin would be there with his dinner, and he had to smile in front of him. Just when he decided to clear up his mind a bit and relax, he heard some muffled noise coming from outside, getting his attention.

"What's that? Are the new guests this much excited?" Referring to the new arrivals in the pack, he frowned because it was really unlikely to have this much commotion outside. At least since he came here, it was always peaceful.

There was a little bewildering feeling inside his mind about whether to go out of his room or not. After all, they all were supernatural beings, and he looked like a damsel in distress in between them all.

"I'm not going. Who knows if they will attack me and suck my blood." Shuddering at the thought, he snuggled back inside the covers and blocked the voices.

But what he didn't expect was a loud crash, most probably from Jungkook's room, and that sound was enough to make him alert now. Getting up from the bed, he trudged to the door to lock it, but he was late as the door was pushed open forcefully in an instant, causing him to fall back on the floor.

A small wince left his lips, though he didn't get the chance to retort on the rude person when he was forced to stand up by two firm hands.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." The person said, making Taehyung look up to find a boy, maybe in his mid-twenties, standing there with a worried look. Even when his half-face was covered, his eyes showed it all.

Frowning deeply, the blue-haired slapped his hands away from his shoulders and stepped back. "Who are you?! And why did you break in like a thief?"

He remembers clearly what Jimin said. No one knows about his whereabouts in the pack, and that's the reason he was confined within the house for protection, which he definitely can not believe, but yeah, the person was unknown.

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