49: Bondage spell

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Third person P.O.V

"Elder Lee!" The old male quickly got up at the soft knock and the voice of his young leader. It was really surprising to see the raven-haired at his doorstep, but deep down, he knew the time was demanding many new things from them.

"Sire, please come inside." Looking around to find no one at Jungkook's side, Lee let the male come inside and close the door behind him, quickly casting a spell to seal the house because he was sure, it must be something confidential to have their Sire at his house.

"What brings you here at this hour, sire?" Jungkook's right hand clutched tightly while the left clutched the pocket of his jacket having the documents and pictures he went through a few moments ago that made him stuck on a point for what he was there to clear his mind. The first option was his mother, but for odd reasons, he couldn't bring himself to ask her anything regarding the matter, so taking the last option, he was there.

"Elder Lee, I'm here to ask about something old, but very important." Shifting his gaze to the older male who wore a calm aura, Jungkook continued with a serious tone. "And I'm sure you are well aware of this matter that seemed to be hidden so well till now from me."

Bowing his head lightly, Lee nodded. "You have open access to my mind, sire."

Looking around the small but well-organised room, Jungkook opted for a single seater placed at the corner beside a sofa, and Lee took the sofa after offering the younger.

"I've heard about a peace treaty signed between the Han clan and our clan, but what sort of treaty was that?"

Lee was totally taken aback but sighed at the end, noticing the adamant eyes of Jungkook. "It was a marriage-based peace treaty between two clans after that horrible war and losing lots of lives."

Gulping at where it was directed, Jungkook nodded lightly, gesturing to continue.

"The marriage was set between your father and the younger daughter of the Han clan."

"Her name?" Lee licked his lips, fidgeting with the robe, totally nervous about that.

"Han Jeonghyun, Luna's younger sister."

It wasn't wrong. It wasn't a fabricated lie residing in his pocket, and it was more unsettling. "Why?"

Lee didn't ask the reason for this why because he was sure it would be there the second he would say the name. "Sire." Softly Mumbling in utter desperation, Lee fell on his knees in front of Jungkook, making the latter stand up in an instant.

"Elder Lee!"

"I can't help here, sire. My lips are sealed."

"Elder Lee, I need to know the truth that has been hidden from me all these years! It's an order of your sire."

Lee looked afraid, tense, and even more conflicted than before. "Sire, mercy. I can't." Clasping his hands, Lee begged with his eyes as if conveying something through them, and he heard it... Jungkook heard it all with his blank expression.

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