27: Fascination

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Third person P.O.V

The soft pitter-patter of water dripping was continuously falling in his ear, gently dragging him out of his slumber. Groggily opening his eyes in slight irritation for waking up when he clearly wasn't rested to his desire, the blue-haired sat up while rubbing his eyes to get rid of the remnants of the sleep.

Once his sight was clear, his eyes widened when the surroundings were nothing but a painful reminder of what happened last night...?

Jolting up from the soft bed that had two or three blankets that must be around his figure while he was asleep there, he rushed to the door and sigh in a bit of relief when found it opened.

Everything was the same, same as far as he could remember, and that was stirring that ugly feeling in his mind. Ignoring those feelings, for now, he just made a beeline to the nearby rooms because he needed to find his hyung, his utmost target.

Rushing to the other room which he was kept in for a few days, Taehyung bit his lip when he found it empty, and if he wasn't hallucinating, the room looked exactly the same as he used it last time, making him creep out for a second... but again, he shrugged it off, too, because Hoseok was still in their clutches.

Leaving the room, he came across those who betrayed him, oh so sweetly, instantly causing his temper to lose. "Oh, sire's puppets are here."

The words held a lot of contempt and sarcasm, something totally opposite to his nature that Soobin and Yeonjun quickly fell on their knees, taking Taehyung off guard.

"We apologize for hiding our reality from you. We didn't mean to hurt you or your feelings. It's just... that we..."

"Just say it, your sire must have left you to stalk me! I didn't know he could go this far to make you students in my university and show off as if you care!" Taehyung seethed out, his voice slightly shaky from anger and hurt. It was really sad to know that those three adorable youngsters he was depending on for little distraction and happiness were actually part of the cause he was in need of it.

It just feels like he was back to zero again.

"Hyu - I mean, Luna, please forgive us. But we were students there even before your arrival in this pack. Sire just wanted your protection and asked us to take care of you, nothing much." Soobin softly explained, with eyes slightly teary, but Taehyung was adamant not to fall again, and that title just infuriated him.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Stepping forth a bit sternly, the blue-haired stared at the two boys. "I'm 'not' your Luna! I'm Taehyung, just Taehyung! A normal human, why can't you just leave me alone!"

"Please, calm down. We never meant anything bad." Hyuna was silent before but decided to say something when Taehyung's veins popped out, clearly indicating he was beyond angry.

The human chuckled bitterly, gulping thickly the poisonous words, and turned away to find his hyung so that he could just leave the bewitching place. The young werewolves sighed sadly, watching as their favorite human just turned his back to them with a heart that was now full of hate toward them.

The sight was getting blurred with frustration when Taehyung couldn't find Hoseok in the other room, but then he noticed the fourth room, which he had never entered before. Seems like he had to this time, and he just did. Opening the door, he met with a broad back, facing a person lying on the bed, and it didn't take long for him to know who was standing there.

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