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It had been a long day at the diner and Isabel was relieved when Mary came to pick her up. Isabel climbed into her car and relaxed in the passenger seat. "Long day?" Mary asked, chuckling lightly.

"Pretty much, Dana was meant to be working with me but she called in sick so I had to look after everything myself," Isabel complained as Mary began to drive off, "Matthew was about to make me pull a double shift because Molly was late but luckily she came and I got to get out of that shitbox,"

"Yikes," Mary said, gritting her teeth, "I hope your not too tired though, you know Brian's band 'smile' who we saw a couple months ago? At the pub on campus?" she didn't wait for Isabel's response, "Well their lead singer quit and Freddie joined them as their new lead, and he's invited us to watch his first gig with them tonight, fancy it?" Recently, Mary and Freddie's relationship had gotten stronger and they hardly spent anytime away from each other.

"Can I shower first? I smell like onions," Isabel asked and Mary chuckled again.

"Yeah, yeah, so you wanna come?" Isabel nodded, "Brilliant,"


As promised, Isabel joined Mary at the pub. They were already tipsy, so they more wobbled towards the pub instead off walked. Freddie met them outside the pub and immediately pulled her into a kiss. Isabel stood awkwardly until they broke apart.

"Hello my darling," Freddie greeted her, "Come meet the boys," he said to Isabel, disappeared behind the pub with Isabel and Mary following closely behind. He went towards a van where some men were rummaging through and smoking by, "John, Brian this is Isabel and obviously you know Mary," Freddie introduced her,"Isabel this is John and Brian.

"Hi," Isabel greeted them.

"Roger, come out here and say hello," Freddie called, there was a small groan then some footsteps. The blonde with bright blue eyes one came around the van, a cigarette between his teeth and his hands shoved in his pockets. "This is Isabel," Freddie introduced us to him.

"Roger," he said, holding his hand out to Isabel. She took it and smiled at the man. The two gazed at each-other before Brian broke the silence.

"Let's get unpacked and set up then?" he said, the other band members agreed. Mary and Isabel disappeared inside the pub while the men got their equipment together. 

"Shots?" Mary offered when the two reached the bar, Isabel nodded eagerly. They swallowed the shots together, Isabel shuddered and put the little glass back down. The two had a couple more drinks and then went to find a spot in the crowd. The pushed through the people and found a place near the stage just as the band took to the stage and Brian spoke into the mic. He introduced the audience to the new members of the band, Freddie and John then they started with the set.

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