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Isabel was working another shift, another and hopefully one of her last. Brian and her sister were sat at the table top keeping her company. Nicole scribbling in a notebook and sipping on a milkshake, Brian was drinking coffee and reading a newspaper and Isabel was doing her usual, darting back and forth topping up coffee and serving milkshakes.

"What instrument do you play, Brian?" Nicole asked, drawing her eyes away from the notebook and turning to Brian.

"Guitar," He said, turning towards the girl.

"Really? What one?"

"Oh well my dad built it for me, it's a red special," he explained.

"So like, Bob Diddley?"

"Yeah," Brian chuckled, "Um, exactly like Bob Diddley,"

"Thats so cool," Nicole said. Isabel smiled at them and walked away to take a new table's order. When she came back, the conversation was still going.

"Do you play an instrument?" Brian asked her.

Nicole grinned, looking as if she'd been waiting for the question, "Yeah, I do, I actually play electric guitar too. I'm self-taught, the music teacher at my school wouldn't teach me electric so Isabel bought me a strat and I just figured it out,"

"She's really good actually, her and her friends started a band," Isabel said, smiling.

"Really?" Brian looked intrigued, he was clearly impressed by the young girl.

"Yeah, yeah, we're literally the only girl band- actually the only girls- entering Battle of the Bands at school, we're called Electricity," Nicole explained.

"Thats cool, I take it your group's signature colour is blue?"


"Torres girls love their blue," Brian said, the two sisters snickered.

Nicole turned to her sister, "Es bastante mono, ¿sabes?," she murmured and took a sip of he milkshake.

Isabel raised her eyebrows, "Your 15!" she exclaimed.

"Chill, just kidding," Isabel snickered.

Brian raised an eyebrow at them.


"What are you doing anyway?" Isabel asked, the diner was quieting down and she was stood with the two at the bar top. She leaned forward at Nicole's notebook, she'd drawn a spider diagram with loads of writing around it but she was still scribbling.

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