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Roger stood a couple feet away from the diner. Close enough that he could see Isabel behind the countertop but not close enough that Isabel could see him. He was waiting for the right moment to enter. He watched her return back to the counter and that was his queue to enter, Isabel noticed him as the bell tinkled and flashed a smile. He went to sit at the counter top and waited. "Be right with you, Rog!" she called as she took someones order.

"Hi," a young girl who was sat near him on the counter said. She looked like Isabel but much younger, 15 or 16.

Roger nodded at her politely and Isabel made a quick return, "Hey, Rog, coffee?" she said but somebody in a booth called her back over. The diner wasn't busy just one group of people in a booth who had her darting back and forth.

"I'll get it," the young girl said, she hopped of her stool and put a mug in front of Roger, "I'm Isabel's sister, Nicole," she introduced herself.


"The one from the band?" Nicole asked.

He chuckled, "Yeah, yeah,"

Isabel returned once more and scolded her sister, "You can't be back here, Nic, Matthew'll have my head if he finds you back here again," she said, disapprovingly. Nicole sighed and returned to her stool.

"Can I grab another milkshake?" she asked.

"No, you've had enough," Isabel said and quickly dug around in her pocket, "Go rent a movie and I'll meet you back at my flat, Mary'll buzz you in," she said.

"What movie?" Nicole asked, pocketing the money.

Isabel thought for a second, "Turning Point or Citizen Kane actually wait no- The Birds," she said, "Actually no-"

"I'll just choose something when I get there," Nicole said, Isabel nodded and kissed her cheek, "Hasta Luego, Chica," she called as she made her way to the door.

"Adios!" Isabel called back before turning to Roger, "Hi,"

"Hi," He grinned, "Your sister seems nice,"

"Yeah, she's sweet, constantly bugging me but I love her," Isabel agreed.

"I know what you mean," Roger said, Isabel chuckled and topped up his coffee, "Right, Friday, party,"

"Friday? Su-" Isabel began but Matthew took that opportunity to appear again.

"What's Friday?" he asked, walking up behind the waitress.

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