First day of school

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Classic pov:I was dreaming about me and my brother sitting outside on a grassy field when suddenly I was awoken by my alarm clock.6:05 welp I better get ready.I put on my white t shirt along with my blue hoodie and some blue sneakers that my brother got me.....I felt a few tears streaming down my face before wiping the rest.6:15 I should go make breakfast and then grab my bag.I grabbed a bottle of ketchup and gulped it down before putting one in my bag for lunch.6:47 I should probably get going I don't wanna be late.(time skip because I'm lazy XD) I walked into the school building and ran into somebody by mistake."I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going".To my surprise I bumped into nightmare who was staring at me with a look of love in his eyes? "Well well well, look who we have here a little skeleton who doesn't know where to look".I felt embarrassed so I just apologized once again and ran away.I headed off to class which was unfortunately with killer and dust they are big troublemakers who are part of nightmares gang.What a great time to start my day I have a feeling I'm going to be in big trouble soon, I'll prepare for the worse.

Word count:231

The bad sanses x depressed classic حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن