Lunch trouble

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Error pov: me and the others had a meeting about what experiences we've had with classic We saw classic walking to the opposite table of our gulping down a bottle of ketchup he looked so peaceful eating things.Nightmare asked me to carry him with my strings to our table he wanted to talk to the little guy.I grabbed his waist without hesitation and I sat him down right next to nightmare.Classic looked horrified and pretty panicked once he saw who was sitting next to him.

Nightmare pov:After classic sat down he started having breathing issues so I gently brushed his cheek using my magic to calm him down. He looked at me with eyes full of fear and terror I assured him we weren't going to hurt him.I then told him that we just wanted to talk."so we just wanted to ask you...who is more cute in your opinion"He stared at me blankly before stuttering while he was speaking it was adorable.

Classic pov: once nightmare asked that question I was shocked that he asked something like that so I responded."I.. d..ont kno..w". I realized those words were just stuttered and he stared at me and started laughing."we will give you a week and you must decide who you like or else there will be consequences".I nodded violently and hoped for the best.

Horror pov: After nightmare was done talking to him I gave classic a little kiss on the cheek that made him blush.If anyone is to date him it shall be me.I wonder who he'll choose to be with it must be me I'll set a date with him that should make him fall in love with me."so classic how about you come to my place and we can have a little date and get this over with". Classic nodded and I took his hand and we ditched school.(time skip) I opened the door to my house and classic walked in shyly but once he saw how big it was his eyes lit up."wanna see my room?".

Classic pov:His house was huge and I was amazed at how clean it was.When he asked me to go in his room I nodded and followed him I saw that he had a lovely knife collection and his bed sheets has pictures of axes it was weird but comforting at the same time.I told him I just wanted to play games and sleep after he agreed and we had a good time.The food they gave me was absolutely amazing.

Word count433

Y'all-I forget error has a phobia of being touched we're just gonna ignore that-

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