Aquarium trouble

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Nightmare: I set classic down he was walking between error and horror.(LOL I JUST REALIZED I FORGOT TO ADD BLUE DREAM AND INK ILL DO THAT NOW XD) My idiot brother and his friends just arrived I whispered to the others to keep classic safe,error suggested I hold him so I picked up classic and made sure he wasn't visible.Horror asked me why should we hide him and I said that ink, blue, and my brother are looking for another member and we don't want our little prince to be taken away do we? Horror shuddered at the thought and he was right in front of me challenging anyone who dared to look at him.

Classic pov: Nightmare looked scared for a second after he saw what the skeletons call "the star sanses"He suddenly picked me up and covered me.I asked him what was wrong he simply replied with a "it's none of your concern dear just relax and watch the fish or whatever."I can't believe I'm about to do this but I laid my hand on his cheek and looked at him dead in the eyes and kissed him.After that he blushed slightly and I chuckled at him seeing so flustered.Nightmare and his gang were suddenly slowly starting to walk faster after dream caught sight on error.I began to feel a little stressed during the situation.

Horror pov:Dream saw error and gave us a sign to start walking a little faster.But then I suddenly noticed that classic seemed a little stressed so I signaled nightmare to check on him just in case he was gonna have on of those panic attacks.We sat at some nearby benches and classic started whimpering and shaking.Dust walked over to him and gently gave him a kiss on his forehead and told him that everything would be fine.That seemed to calm him down a little,we caught up with the rest of our Class still trying to avoid dream and the other 2. Sometime classic acts like a child because his depression can take over or something like that,He stared at me and stretched his arms try to reach me I walked closer to him who was still in nightmares hands and gave him my hand to hold on to.(AWHH THIS IS ADORABLE IDC IF THEY ARE IN HIGH SCHOOL ITS ADORABLEEEEEE)

Word count:456

Authors note:Hi everyone hope your enjoying my story so far I just wanna explain a few thing.The reason classic sans had sudden fear when nightmare ran a bit faster was because he lost his brother and his dad during a car crash and that caused him to develop a fear of fast movements.Anyways enjoy the other chapters

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