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Nightmare pov:I went to go see if classic is ok I wanted to ask him if he wants to take a trip to my au. "Hey cutie wanna come over to my au?".He nodded with a curious face I'm guessing he wants to know how my au is.(Time skip into dreamtale) Classic seemed so amused and calmed when he entered my au I brought him to my side of the tree and he fell asleep there with his Hands holding his ribcage whimpering quietly.The others went to go cause chaos and feed on negativity I bent down to make sure classic was alright his eyes were squinting and he kept clutching onto his ribcage I didn't know what to do so I called killer,horror, and dust so we could send him home.

Horror pov:Since when was classic sick?! He was fine just a minute ago was it the tree or was it something else? Nightmare said that we were leaving at least I got to kill a few monsters before we leave.(time skip to classic's house) Nightmare set him on the bed of his room he still is clutching his ribcage is there something wrong with his ribs? Nightmare asked dust to go find a med kit a few minutes later he appeared with one.Dust lifted classic's shirt up and wrapped it that didn't seem to make the pain go away so nightmare had to wake him up to make sure he was alright with getting up.

Classic pov:I woke up to the sound of nightmares voice calling my name over and over I sat up and felt a sharp pain in my ribcage I groaned in agony. "Don't try to sit up yet your still in harsh condition" I wonder how my ribcage got injured like that maybe I'm just not used to that many negative emotions at a time.

Word count:321

The bad sanses x depressed classic Where stories live. Discover now