Horror and dust(CRINGE)

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Horror pov:classic sans showed up to class today and man is he cute.The gang and me have been trying to make him fall for us but so far we have no luck I it is time for me to make my move.Dust gave me the death stare but I just scowled at him."hey cutie what you up to?.Classic seemed flustered after I said that he looked so cute but then the idiot teacher gave me detention I winked at him before I left.When will he realize that we love him and want him to be ours he's just that brain dead isn't he.Oh well,he's still the cutie pie me and my gang all know and love.

Dust pov: I can't believe horror was so stupid to flirt in class like out of all places to flirt with classic he chooses class time.At least I have the little guy all to myself.I scooted closer to him he was still flustered by what horror said."are you alright classic?" He responded with a quiet yes.He's always so soft and shy it would be a shame to ruin his innocence~no, I'm getting ahead of myself I shouldn't tell the others he's ready yet.I wanted to see what would happen if I brushed his leg a little......

Classic sans: What is up with those 2 seriously they just love to mess with me.I'm a blushing mess I need to calm down before I get to sensitive.Dust tapped my shoulder and asked if I was ok I responded with a quiet yes.He told me to not let him get in head I gave him a quick nod and tried to focus in class for once.Ever since my depression kicked in I've been having trouble with school assignments and tests.

Word count:315

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