A - White Christmas

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Well, folks, today is the day.

December 25th.


Does it feel at all like Christmas? No. Am I surprised? Also no.

However, despite the lack of Christmas vibes today, at least we can find comfort in one thing: it is, indeed, a white Christmas.

It's actually a little TOO white, if you ask me. The cold front/freezing rain/absurd amount of snowfall that poured into our location did quite a number on many aspects of everyday life. My skin is drier than ever, I can't walk outside without immediately wanting to turn back inside, and it's nearly impossible to see where the road ends and people's yards begin.

All these negative impacts aside, I am grateful that this Christmas was white. It makes me feel at least a tad bit festive. I'm not too worried about the fact that I'm not feeling very Christmassy right now though because the most exciting part of the holidays is still coming up.

The part in question is, of course, tomorrow. My mother's side of the family (H included) will be coming over to our house to celebrate the yuletide season. I'm sure it will be a day filled with laughs, hugs, singing, and an unnecessarily (but also completely necessarily) large amount of food. 

While Christmas Day is without question an extremely important day for a magnitude of reasons, it usually feels rather un-festive. I mean, you open presents early in the morning and then do nothing for the rest of the day. Unless, of course, Christmas falls on a Sunday (like today) and then church is added into the mix.

I know a lot of you dear readers are feeling like Christmas isn't Christmas this year. It's just something that happens as we grow older. You no longer find it impossible to sleep on Christmas Eve, you don't feel that rush of excitement when you wake up way too early in the morning and have to wait until it's an appropriate time to open presents. But just because those things are gone doesn't mean Christmas isn't as amazing as it was before. In fact, it means Christmas is even better.

You see, the reason Christmas doesn't feel as "exciting" when you get older is that you stop caring about its superficial qualities. You don't care about what or how many gifts you get--you start to realize what really matters: family.

I've said it once and I'll say it again: family (blood-related or not) is the most valuable part of Christmas. Gifts are just an accessory, a medium to convey your love to one another in a small way. But the biggest way that we show our love is by spending time with one another, singing carols and laughing at the dinner table. 

So, if you're feeling a bit disappointed in yourself for not being as excited for gifts this Christmas, congratulations. You're growing up--and that's a good thing.

 You're growing up--and that's a good thing

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Robert agrees.

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