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"the thing when two lips touch each other.."

jisung looked at him,  not knowing the right words to say, untill he broke into laughter. 
"why are you laughing?" minho asked seriously confused. 
"you mean a kiss?" he asked holding himself from laughing, "i don't know.." he pouted,

minho then proceeded to tell him the whole dream. "you were probably very tired you even dreamt about school.." jisung patted his head. "but my question is, how did you get the kiss part in your mind?" he teased, minho wasn't sure if he should tell him about what he saw in the classroom that day, but he kind of had no choise so he did.

 "i saw my two friends doing that in class, i wasen't supposed to see it was an accident" he looked at jisung, jisung just smiled. 
"i already told you when something bothers you tell me, these friends of yours are irresponsible they shouldn't be doing stuff like that in class" he spoke rolling his eyes at the thought of these two.

they just couldn't think maybe he would come looking for them. 
he was a bit pissed, "it's not really a bad thing." he said catching minho's attention.

 "a kiss is something that two people that really love each other do to show their affection to each other, but not anyone can just do that." minho nodded being very focused. "mostly two people that are dating or married" he smiled,

 "ooh...then my friends are dating" jisung nodded in return. 
they both adjusted back in place cuddling next to one another. jisung slowly reached his arm over to minho's shoulder, hearing minho's giggles as he focused on the movie infront of him.

he couldn't help but want to ask. maybe he wanted to take a new step in their relationship, if there was any right time it would be right now. so it was now or never.

"so which was better?" he asked, he got no reply for a second making him think minho didn't hear him. "i think your lips are very soft" he said with his eyes still looking at the screen. 
" is that so?" jisung spoke, he moved his hand a bit lower towards minho's waist.

minho raised his head making eye contact with the older.  his eyes were bright, his bangs a bit messy and his lips were pink and shiny. jisung just looked back at him. 

their faces slowly moving closer to one another. and minho's hand raising and finding place onto jisung's cheek.  once they've gotten close enough till their breaths were mixing. 
jisung's lips slowly landing on minho's, he closed his eyes tight and pouted his lips in return. 
jisung chuckled and left a peck on his little duck lips. 
and backed away leaving minho with his eyes closed expecting more, he opened his eyes a little surprised.

"huh?" his lips agap. "what, you want more?" jisung chuckled. 
minho nodded. he raised his hand up showing two fingers, "you want two kisses?" jisung laughed at his order. "okay then" he leaned closer and placed a kiss on his cheek. minho gasped thats not where kiss number two was supposed to be. suddenly jisung moved quickly giving him kiss number three. minho was surprised at first but slowly gave in, their lips moving in a slow pattern untill they moved away, both panting at the loss of breath. both of their lips had turned a bright shade of pink. minho's lips were almost matiching his now red face.
that was when suddenly the door clicked, they both let go of each other looking at the door.

"im home~"
No one was supposed to be home
But there he was Changbin had arrived, Minho grabbed his phone quickly checking the time. It was already 1:34 am. They really didn't notice the time running.
But still Changbin was supposed to be home at 6am.

As the other male walked in he shifted his sigh to the living room seeing light.
"Min, your still up?" He spoke taking off his shoes"
"Mhm..im watching a movie" Minho said getting up from the sofa leaving jisung. Jisung was a bit panicked Changbin didn't really seem to like him. He was debating weather to jump out the window or hide somewhere.
Changbin asked Minho what movie he was watching and was slowly making his way to the living room.

He suddenly stood frozen at the door frame seeing a face he did not think he'd see.
"WHAT?" He suddenly yelled.
"Jisung-ah is here" Minho smiled taking a seat beside him. Jisung gave an awkward smile to the older.
"ALONE?" Minho nodded.

Minho pouted at the yelling.
"Don't yell bin-ah" he pretended to be upset.
"I'm not!" Changbin lowered his voice but still sounding mad.
He pushed the two away from each other sitting between them.
"So then. What did I miss?" He asked.
Minho was smiling at the sight of his brother joining them, jisung on the other hand, he could feel the flames growing from Changbin. Maybe if it weren't for Minho he'd be 6 feet deep underground.

"You didn't do anything to him did you?" Changbin whispered making sure only jisung heard. "No. I didn't" jisung obviously lied. If he heard about what had happened seconds before he arrived maybe he'd just die today.
"Yes"Minho replied a sweet blinding smile on his lips.
"He didn't do anything weird to you right?" Changbin asked. He knew he'd get the truth from Minho if anything happened.
"We just watched a scary movie. Jisung-ah protected me very well" he smiled purely. Changbin has no choice but to believe him.

Silence then proceeded to fill the room. The sound of giggles that belonged to a specific person were the only thing that kept a certain person from beating another.
One was filled with protectiveness, one was afraid for his life and the other was happy to have two people that he loved the most sitting next to each other.

Finally the movie decided to end.
It was very late. Minho was already falling asleep.
"It's late you should head home." Changbin said while turning the tv off.
Jisung wanted to greet Minho off but he was half asleep.
He bowed and said his good night's.
"Hmm~ it's too late hyung.." Minho spoke rubbing his eyes.
"That's why he's going to go home quick" Changbin replied trying to pick the younger up.
"No~ stay jisung-ah, sleep over"
Changbin stood stunned. His little brother was giving orders, and jisung was standing waiting approval.
"That's okay mini, I'll get going and I'll text you tomorrow. You should sleep well" jisung smiled.
Minho hummed not liking the idea. He reached his hand holding onto jisungs making Changbin mentally rage.
"Stay jisung-ah.." his eyes were sleepy but they sparkled. The way the words came out of his mouth made the two boys stop their debate.

Just like that he got what he wanted.
Jisung was staying over. Changbin then took Minho to his room and tucked him in his bed. Jisung was told to go sleep in the living room, he agreed and went to bed.

Sound asleep..

Chapter 8 end

A/n: Stan Changbin. (⁠^⁠.⁠_⁠.⁠^⁠)⁠ノ

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