caught a cold..

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the next day was quick to arrive.
minho woke up very excited for his date later with jisung.
he got up still half asleep looking for an outfit, once he was done looking though his closet, he ran over to the bathroom washing his face but once he looked into the mirror...he gasped.

a little pimple had suddenly decided to apear on his nose. it was quite visible and it made him look like rudolph.

he wanted to go out but not looking like this, he was so embarassed thinking of jisung seeing him like this.
he had no other choice but to find an excuse.

He tried to hide it with make up but it was still a little visible. Just made him more and more embarrassed, he didn't want to go out anymore because of it.

As he was laying on his bed sulking, his phone started ringing.
Who would call on a day like this, jisung obviously.
He looked at his phone for a moment debating weather or not to pick up, the phone then stopped ringing making him sigh. Then started ringing again jisung was very persistent, he picked up his phone and proceeded to look at it at again.
"I'll just say I'm sick.." he sighed.
He picked up the call.

"Hello~ i called and you didn't pick up." Jisung talked through the phone, he sounded just like the usual.
Minho got into his acting and coughed a few times, "ah, sorry jisung-ah. I was in the bathroom." He coughed again.

"What's wrong? Are you sick? Your coughing a lot.." jisung spoke seeming concerned, Minho felt guilty.
"Yeah, i slept with the window opened by accident." He spoke coughing and lowering his voice.
Pro acting

"Oh really? Are you feeling alright?"
"*Cough* not really....sorry jisung-ah but i don't think i can go out later.."

He was almost rolling in his bed saying that sentence, he did wanna go but not having this thing on his face.
"Aw..that's alright we can go out another time, just rest well" jisung said, he sounded a little disappointed, but he believed Minho's little trick.

Minho felt so bad. But at least he could work on getting rid of this ugly pimple on his nose.
They could meet up another time like jisung said.


Minho placed a pimple patch on his nose in attempt to get rid of it, it was slowly going away but the redness was not fading away.

He was seated in his room with his bunny ear Bandana to keep his hair out of the way, he was searing the internet for the quickest ways to get rid of these pimples.
Jisung had texted him a few times asking if he was alright, and said he was feeling a bit better so he shouldn't worry.

He was now still trying to get rid of it, Minho used a few face masks that he had in attempt to cool it down.
There he was still trying really hard.

Jisung pov..

After our call i felt really worried, Minho sounded quite sick.
Even tho he told me not to worry i was still going to worry.

I had no choice but to go check up on him, to make myself feel less worried.
I got dressed and headed out.

Maybe getting him some good meds would be the best option.

3rd person

So he did, he headed to the nearest pharmacy and asked for their best medicine for a sore throat and symptoms of a cold.

He the meds he needed then went to get him some porridge, he thought since he wasn't feeling so good he must also not be eating well.

He finished his shopping trips and headed to Minho's house now.

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