I'll tell you.

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While jisung finished up with his food Minho talked to him a little asking him stuff and jisung answered

Time was passing and Minho was so persistent on jisung going to his classes, he knew if he didn't force him to go he was probably going to skip and stay home.

He took the dirty dishes to the kitchen and told jisung to get going. Jisung was pretending to throw a tantrum.
He didn't want to leave.
"Huu jisung-ah~ you really need to go, your parents will be so mad at you~" he grabbed jisung's coat and handed him it.
He was almost like a housewife
"Fine~ I'll go, i guess my boyfriend got bored of me" jisung pretended to be upset. Minho gasped, " no no no! I want you here, but i don't want your parents to think I'm distracting you from your studies" he pouted making jisung chuckle.
"Okay then, don't worry I'll go to my classes don't worry" he reassured and Minho smiled at him.

He moved closer and placed his arms around jisung for a surprise hug. 'oh' jisung put his hands on his back and patted him.
He really did unlock a new step in their relationship.
Hugs, and kisses. But kisses might be limited only for special moments.

They both walked over to the door finally saying their goodbyes. But Minho kept following jisung even when he went out the door.
"Wait" he said making jisung turn around, he looked around then  went on his tiptoes and placed a peck on jisung's lips leaving him speechless.
"Bye bye~ I'll text you later, maybe we can meet up since I'm going out with Felix " he looked at him giving him his blinding smile.

Jisung went down and placed a kiss on the boy's cheek making him place a hand there. "Sure, have fun. And don't surprise me with kisses like that. I also get embarrassed you know" he shook his head turning around and walking away. Minho chuckled "okay~ sorry jisung-ah~"

Later that day...

Minho had planned the day before to meet up with hyunjin and Felix so they can spend some time and have fun.
The week ahead was their vacation so they had plenty of time to spend together but they still wanted to put every second of it to good use.

Minho had gotten ready and was preparing to leave.
He made his way to the door and was ready to get going. Once he opened it he was surprised by a familiar face.
"Ta-da~" the other spoke with a smile.
"Seungmin-ah!" He smiled.
It was their neighbor Kim seungmin.
Also known as changbin's boyfriend.
"What are you doing here?" Minho asked.
"I'm here for Changbin, what about you~ you look all dressed and looking nice" he teased the purple boy.

"I'm going out to see some friends"
"Friends you say~ alr have fun~" he teased again.
"Changbin is in his room i think he's sleeping still, I'll get going" he waved off.

They were going to meet at the park and finish the walk together Till they got to the cafe.
Once he'd gotten there he saw them both waving at him excitedly. He quickened the pace and joined them on their stroll.

The trio walked and walked talking about what they had planned for the vacation. But they were all just really excited, no school and just so much rest.
Minho wasn't really interested in resting he wanted to spend time with jisung, but here's the problem. Jisung's online and offline studies don't have a break to them.
He didn't have a vacation like the others he just had studies and then he'd go help his dad out and finish his share of the work.

But there were days where they had compatable schedule's. But other days they couldn't find time for each other.
Even thought jisung was going to still have a busy schedule he was still going to make the best out of it.

"Soo~ did u have fun last night? How did it go?" Felix questioned. He always has something to ask about.
"We had a fun time" Minho smiled.
They both teasingly made an 'ooo' sound.
" Mhm~ so what did u guys do?" Hyunjin asking this time.

There were so many things they'd done but too little things he could tell.
Like most of the events were things he wasn't supposed to do, but it made the most out of their night.
"We watched a movie.." he said getting a hum in response.
"Two movies actually," they hummed again, almost like 'and??" They just wanted something really interesting.

He thought really hard for a moment, then spoke "we also cuddled and hugged...and also.." they were already shocked enough but there was more, 'and?? And what??' they thought.

Minho's face was getting a bit red.
" We also kissed.." he spoke in a low voice. The two heard it though "WHAT?" Felix was shook. Hyunjin was speechless. "You did what Minho? I think i heard wrong" he shook his head. Minho just looked at him and shook his head too, " we kissed." He spoke again "on the cheek" hyunjin asked. Minho nodded " yes," they both sighed in relief.
" And on the lips."
They gasped.

"Why are so angry at me~" he pouted seeing them walking ahead of him.
"Why are you mad~ i just wanted jisung-ah to give me a kiss."

They both sighed and kept walking ahead. He just followed like an upset puppy.
"You and hyunjin do it so why can't i?"
He spoke his voice a bit cracky and stopped walking after the couple.
They both froze, the only thing on their mind was how did he know.
They turned around looking at the now red faced, cross armed, upset kitten.
"How do you know that?" Felix asked.
He could just be mistaken, but no.
"I saw you. The other day when u left me by myself during lunch...i came to look for you and i saw you in the classroom. I didn't want to tell you because i was embarrassed..." He pouted, his eyes getting a bit teary.

Either way he had to tell them what happened.
They truly felt embarrassed. They didn't notice how he'd seen anything.
The trio headed over to one of the benches and talked it out.
I mean they kind of were a bit dramatic here, he was bound to know at least something. He had a boyfriend now and things might start changing.

They apologized to him since he was very upset, and said they didn't want to ruin this fun time together.
It was almost immediately resolved when hyunjin offered to get Minho a new stuffed animal to cheer him up.
He was just so simple minded

Chapter 10 end...

A/n: very late update I'm sorry, my wifi has been put all day and Wattpad was not COAPERATING it just wouldn't let me finish writing the chapter. Anyways ty for reading muah

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