kisses allowed.

786 31 11

The day was soon coming to an end, the boys had walked so much their legs were on the verge of falling off.
They grabbed some drinks and fed the ducks since Minho loved doing that.
And most importantly. They went over to the mall. Felix wanted to get some new stuff for him and hyunjin and Minho was there to get his plushie that hyunjin promised.

He'd texted jisung a few time but he seemed to be busy with class. He really felt bad, he must have been so tired sleeping on that cramped little couch and also staying up so late.
Maybe late night movies are a bad idea, stick to dates and maybe movies at the cinema if they had the chance but not late at night.

He was now walking home after waving off hyunjin and Felix,
It was a bit dark out but he could still see well due to the street lights being well lit.
He was allowed to stay out this late but as long as it was with his two trust worthy friends, but his parents do get a bit scared when he's walking home alone. Since they lived the opposite direction they couldn't walk each other home.

As he walked down the empty side walk. He could feel the wind hitting his cheeks making them cold. But other then the cold the wind was bringing along a feeling of being watched. A weird feeling.
He just couldn't brush it off the fact that someone might actually be behind him scared him he slowly reached for his phone and looked for his mother's number.
He didn't know either to text her or call her.

He decided a text would be better.
'mom, can you come out. I'm walking home right now can you wait for me outside please.?'
It was as if she was waiting for his text, she instantly viewed his message and texted back.
'alright don't worry, I'll walk a bit closer to you.'

He felt a bit of relief seeing her text. But the sensation wasn't going away.
He felt as if he was getting a bit paranoid and just wanted to calm himself. He was already close to the house and he could see his mom walking out onto their front porch.
So there was a chance he could at least catch a glimpse of whoever was there.
He slowly turned his head around not stopping his walk.
And he could faintly make out the silhouette of what seemed to be two guys, seemingly tall-ish.
It was as if meant to be, when he turned his head the broken street light decided to light up, exposing their faces. He didn't recognize them so he just turned back around and sped up his pace.

Seeing how he saw their face they panicked and hid.
He was left thinking who were they and what could they have possibly wanted.


The next day was quick to arrive.
He obviously wanted to sleep in a little. Finally a bit of rest after all that studying.
A rest was well deserved really.

After he had gotten. Home last night, he was already feeling really tired. Mind blank and body drained. He found that jisung had texted back so he replied, telling good night and excusing himself to go to bed.

He instantly fell asleep once his head hit the asleep.

But once he was awake, he had one of those migraines that happen when u sleep for a long time.
He got up feeling tired still, he wasn't going anywhere today so he didn't need to get dressed or anything.
He brushed his hair and did his regular morning routine.
Once he was ready, he took his phone and headed downstairs for breakfast, but he was met with an angry Changbin.

He looked at the other a bit confused as to why he had his brows furrowed and was standing there tapping his feet at the floor .
"What's wrong bin-ah?" He asked, the other just sighed heavily.
"We need to talk, serious talk Minho"
He was serious, very serious. He wasn't using nicknames.

They both walked to the kitchen taking a seat on the dining table. Minho was starting to feel nervous. What could it be that he did wrong, is it because he didn't leave any of the strawberry cake from the day before?

"Yesterday, someone told me about something saying that you'd broken our promise." Changbin spoke, his voice sounded like he was very upset.
But Minho still couldn't figure it out.
"What is it? I didn't do anything bad though.." 

They sat in silence, no one saying a word.
Minho was revising his actions trying to figure out the problem.

Flashback.. yesterday..changbinPOV

I heard the door downstairs closing and my room door opening. It was obviously seungmin.
He cheerfully came over to my bed and sat on the edge.
"Wake up Binnie, you can't sleep All day~" he spoke softly.
"I'm not sleeping, just laying down" i replied.
He looked at me with a smile on his face before speaking again
"By the way~ you didn't tell me our min got a boyfriend~"

"That's because I'm not so happy about it. How did know?" I spoke suddenly questioning.
A smirk appearing across his face, he chuckled at whatever image was in his brain.
"What do you mean, how can I not find out when i saw them exchanging hugs and kisses Infront of the house this morning."

"WHAT?!" Changbin was now wide awake. Kisses and hugs...

End of flashback.

"I'll let the hugs slide, sure, but KISSES Minho. How did you even get to know a kiss, i thought we only knew po po and specifically on the cheek only"

Minho was so embarrassed when his brother spoke, i mean it was just a kiss...or maybe five of them. But still everyone gave kisses to each other.
He just couldn't find a way to debate with this problem.
"Do you really like him?" He asked again. Minho looked up and nodded awkwardly. "I like jisung-ah, just like i like bin-ah" he pouted. "I don't want you to be mad at me though."

Changbin sighed. He can't just keep pestering him, even though he knew he didn't like this one bit but Minho was also human, he had to know at some point.
"If i told you i wasn't mad, are you gonna go and start kissing anyone?" He said squinting his eyes
Minho gasped as if that was a horrible thing, "no! Jisung-ah will be upset at me...only jisung-ah. And I'll give bin-ah kisses too! so don't be sad." He smiled excitedly.

"Fine then, kisses allowed. Just try to keep it that way, nothing more min."
He sighed shaking his head.
It felt like scolding a child witch never truly feels good.
Seeing him so happy these days really makes everyone unable to scold or even attempt to ruin his mood.
He just walks around with a flowers and rainbows ora.
litrelly a sweetheart

Chapter 11 end.

i hope 2023 is a good year for all of us

Innocent {minsung}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن