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it's been a few weeks since new year's and I was starting to think Marc was never going to wake up. I was at the hospital every day but, nothing. Today however was different.

I was asleep on the chair beside the bed and was holding onto Marc's hand. It was around midnight when I felt a hand squeeze mine. I woke up and saw Marc looking at me. He was confused.
"I-I'll be right back," I say as I left the room to find a doctor.

It's now been about a month since Marc woke up but he still can't remember anything. I've been doing more hero work with ladybug and cat noir but it's not enough for me to handle this all alone. Talking with the other heroes of Paris has helped a bit but not enough.

I was looking through the closet in our room for our photo album with the Polaroid photos of us together. Hoping that this would bring back some memories I handed it over to Marc. The first one was of the two of us with Alix the Dayi got the first note. It was at the lunch table with the note in my hand Alix doing bunny ears on Marc and Marc with his face turned to the side.
"Do you remember this. It was the first day you started to leave me notes to tell me you liked me" Marc looked at me and shook his head no. There was a knock on the door when we flipped to the next picture. "I'll be right back, you can continue to look through this." I walked over to the front door and looked out the window. Ladybug was at the door with a Miraculous in hand. I open the door.
"Nathaniel, I know we are not supposed to reveal our identity's to one another but this... this is a special case. I give you Marc's Miraculous. Can I trust you to give it back to him."
"O-of course Ladybug."
Marc has a Miraculous? Why didn't he te- never mind. I walked back into Marc and i's room and sat down beside him.
"Do you remember anything?" He nodded softly as I saw a tear fall from his eyes to the photo album."what's wrong love"
"I want to remember so badly but it's all just in pieces and non of them fit together" he looked into my eyes "but I do remember you a little bit and something else... but I'm not sure I'm aloud to tell you"
"You can tell me anything, Marc"
"No, this person said i can't"
"Hm, can I tell you something" he nodded "well I know this person and she is a superhero, she said that since this is a special case i can know one of the others identity and she gave me this" I show him the claw like Miraculous "she said it belongs to you. Is that what you remember?" He looked into my eyes again but this time like he remembered more. He nodded his head. But now that I know his identity I that maybe I should tell him mine.

He's beautiful. I don't know how I know him but i remember that I do know him at least. I can't remember his name.
"Can I tell you something" he asked and I nodded "so since I know your identity under your mask I should probably tell you mine." He stopped. I just looked at him. God I know we are together, he told me that, but I still can't believe it, he's just so perfect. "I'm Caprikid" the name clicked into place I knew exactly who that was. It was the goat hero the one that i thought looked very cute. So cute it was hard to think about the fact that that's the man I'm with.
"O-ok" I said trying to smile but I know I failed. He's beautiful. I don't know how I know him but i remember that I do know him at least. I can't remember his name.
"Can I tell you something" he asked and I nodded "so since I know your identity under your mask I should probably tell you mine." He stopped. I just looked at him. God I know we are together, he told me that, but I still can't believe it, he's just so perfect. "I'm Caprikid" the name clicked into place I knew exactly who that was. It was the goat hero the one that i thought looked very cute. So cute it was hard to think about the fact that that's the man I'm with. "O-ok" I said trying to smile but I know I failed. His smile is amazing. It makes my heart so happy. "I guess that makes us even right?" he said with a warm smile

It's been almost a month since we looked at the photos Marc has been able to remember small things here and there. I really think soon his memories will all come back.

Even though Marc said his memory has become a little better, the Doctors think he may not be out of the woods yet, as they say recovery after a head injury can be quite long. But I'm hooping after our first get together with our friends this year will help.

We happily got to Alix's house as more and more people got there I could tell bits and pieces of his memory started to come together. After being there a little bit I started talking to him and he actually remembered something about Luka and Juleka!
"Did you guys do anything with the twins when you were kids?" I asked.
"No, we were never friends." Sabrina answers.
"Were they your friends?" I asked Marc.
"No, not really. They were just there."
"Do you remember the band that some of our friends were in when we were in school"
"I think so. It was kitty section, right?"
I just smiled and nodded. We all continued with other questions and then he finally said "Hey Alix! Remember when we played Pokémon Red together under the stairs at school that time umm I don't remember the name but they weren't at school."
Marc had finally remembered something!!
The whole thing is so insane. I'm glad Marc is doing so well and we are looking forward to seeing everyone next weekend. I'm just is happy that he is alive , he is back and there is no doubt that things are going to be getting a little bit back to normal in the weeks and months to come.

 Nothing Without You ~Marc x Nathaniel~Where stories live. Discover now