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Marc turned to me, a hopeful look in his eyes. "Do you think you could design my wedding outfit?" he asked.
My heart skipped a beat at the request. I had been dreaming of designing a wedding dress (or outfit in general) ever since i was a little girl, and now I had the chance to create something truly special for my friend's big day. And to think that all this wouldn't have ever happened if I never introduced Marc to the art program at school.
"Of course," i replied with a smile. "I would be honored to design your outfit."
Marc let out a sigh of relief and hugged me tightly. "Thank you so much," he said. "I know it's going to be amazing with your talent and creativity behind it."
I blushed at the compliment, feeling grateful for the opportunity to showcase my skills and make Marc feel extra special on his wedding day.

I sat at her desk, surrounded by sketches and fabric swatches. I had been working on Marc's wedding outfit for weeks now, but nothing seemed quite right.
"I just don't know what to do," i admitted to Adrien who came over to bring in some coffee "I want it to be perfect, but I can't seem to find the inspiration."
Adrien placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, Marinette. You'll figure it out. You're an amazing designer - you just need to trust your instincts."
I smiled gratefully at him. "Thanks, Adrien. I really appreciate your support."
Adrien sat down on a spare chair and looked over some of the things spread across my desk. "Can I see some of your designs" understanding that he meant for Marc's outfit i hand him my sketches. Together, we looked through some of my past designs for inspiration. As we talked and brainstormed ideas, i felt a spark of creativity ignite within her.
"Wait a minute," i said suddenly. "I think I've got it!"
Excitedly, i began sketching out my new idea - a bold and daring suit that would perfectly capture Marc's unique style and personality but having it also have a skirt like end at the pants would fit his not quite cis character.
As i worked, i knew that this was going to be my best design yet - all thanks to Adrien's encouragement and belief in my abilities.

~A few minutes before he went to marinette's place~
I felt a wave of happiness wash over me as Nathaniel asked me to be one of his groomsmen. I had never really been close with Nathaniel but I was thrilled to be a part of his big day. I couldn't wait to stand by Nathaniel's side and support him as he married the love of his life. As i hugged Nathaniel tightly, i promised himself that i would do everything in my power to make sure the wedding was perfect. I knew that Nathaniel deserved nothing but the best, and i was honored to play a role in making my friend's dreams come true. When we said our goodbyes I made my way to a small coffee shop and ordered marionette and I a drink.

Marc and Nathaniel's wedding was just around the corner, and Marinette wanted to make sure that everything was perfect. She had been working tirelessly on Marc's outfit, trying to make it just right. I, always the supportive friend, offered my help and together we brainstormed ideas until Marinette found her inspiration. Me myself was excited to be a part of Nathaniel's big day as one of his groomsmen. I knew how much the wedding meant to Nathaniel. With our combined talents and dedication, Marinette and i were determined to make Marc and Nathaniel's wedding a truly special and unforgettable occasion.

I stood in front of the camera, my father's latest designs draped over my frame. The clothes were stylish and well-made, but i couldn't muster up any enthusiasm for them. All i could think about was Marinette - her smile, her laugh, the way she made me feel alive.
As the photographer snapped away, i tried to focus on my poses and expressions, but my thoughts kept drifting back to Marinette. I wondered what she was doing at that moment, if she was thinking about me too.
The shoot dragged on for what felt like hours, and by the time it was over, i was exhausted both physically and emotionally. I changed out of the designer clothes and into something more comfortable before heading home; that's when I got the call.
My heart sank as Nathaniel's words registered in his mind. Marc had been stabbed during a break-in? It was unfathomable. I didn't know what to do or say - all i could think about was the safety of my friends. I immediately called Marinette and filled her in on the situation, knowing that she would want to help in any way she could. Together, we made their way to the hospital where Marc was being treated. As we waited anxiously for news on his condition, i couldn't help but feel grateful for the support of his friends.
It's been a few days since Marc was stabbed and I couldn't shake the feeling that life was short and unpredictable. The events of the past few days had reminded me of that harsh reality. I couldn't keep my feelings for Marinette bottled up any longer - i needed to tell her how i felt before it was too late. I took a deep breath and mustered up all the courage i could find as i approached Marinette's door. she answered almost immediately. With a shaky voice, i told her everything - how much she meant to me, how long i had been holding onto these feelings, and how i couldn't imagine my life without her in it. As Marinette listened, tears welled up in her eyes, and my heart skipped a beat. I didn't know what her response would be, but i knew that whatever happened, i had to take this chance. Life was too short to wait any longer.

I was taken aback by Adrien's confession. I had always had feels for him, but hearing his say, out loud, that he felt the same way I did was a different story altogether. As i looked into his eyes, i saw the sincerity and vulnerability there, and my heart swelled with emotion. Without hesitation, i threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly.
"I love you too, Adrien," i whispered, my voice choked with tears. "I've been waiting so long to hear those words from you."
i felt like i was walking on air as i held Marinette close. The weight of my unspoken feelings had lifted off my shoulders, and i felt more alive than ever before. I knew that life would still have its challenges - Marc's condition was a stark reminder of that fact - but with Marinette by my side now, i felt like we could face anything together.
As we pulled away from each other, i took Marinette's hand and smiled at her.
"Let's make every moment count," i said. "Starting now."

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