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The air was filled with excitement and anticipation as Nathaniel and i's rehearsal dinner began. The venue was beautifully decorated, with soft candlelight casting a warm glow over the room. Laughter and cheerful conversations echoed throughout, creating an atmosphere of joy.

I looked around at the familiar faces of our closest friends and family members, all gathered to celebrate our love. I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude for the love and support we had received along our journey. My mum was the happiest I've seen her in a long time. I know she is proud of us, I can see it in her eyes.

As the evening progressed, heartfelt speeches were given, recounting cherished memories and offering words of encouragement for the future. My heart swelled with emotion as i listened to each person speak, realizing how fortunate i was to have such incredible people in my life.

The night continued with delicious food and lively music, filling everyone's hearts with happiness. I stole glances at Nathaniel, who was beaming with joy beside me. Our love was palpable, radiating from our smiles and shared laughter.

In that moment, surrounded by loved ones and feeling an overwhelming sense of love and acceptance, i knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey together. With every toast made and every dance shared, our love story unfolded before our eyes, promising a lifetime of happiness and adventure.

And so we danced into the night, celebrating not only our upcoming wedding day but also the love that brought us to this magical moment.

As the last stragglers filed out of the building, Nathaniel and I walked hand-in-hand, smiling from ear-to-ear. I reached out and touched his arm, whispering how happy and lucky i was to have him. He leaned down and kissed me softly on the lips.

Nathaniel drew me close, embracing me tightly in his arms, and we shared our first romantic kiss under the moonlight.

I couldn't believe it. In that moment, surrounded by friends and family, sharing this most intimate of moments together, I felt like i could accomplish anything. I knew that it was no longer just about Nathaniel and me. It was about Nathaniel and everyone else who was here, supporting us in our love and our future together.

I kissed Nathaniel one more time, with eyes closed and full of love. Then, as the first beams of sunlight peeked over the horizon, Nathaniel and i walked hand-in-hand into a new chapter of our lives, a chapter that is just beginning. There was one thing I never mentioned to anyone at the time. I saw him. I saw my dad. He was at the dinner but, No one saw but me. When I saw him I got this feeling like this wasn't the first time he was around us since high school. He was definitely around not long ago. And then it clicked. The person in our house. It was my dad.

Another shorter part but like I said I'm going through some shit and yeah.

 Nothing Without You ~Marc x Nathaniel~Where stories live. Discover now