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With just one week until Marc and Nathaniel's wedding, anticipation filled the air. The couple's excitement was contagious, spreading to their loved ones who couldn't wait to witness their union. As they finalized the last-minute details and prepared for the big day, Marc and Nathaniel felt a mix of nerves and pure joy. Their love had brought them to this moment, and they were ready to embark on this new chapter together. With every passing day, the countdown grew shorter, heightening the sense of anticipation. The couple knew that their wedding day would be a celebration of love, surrounded by those who had supported them throughout their journey. They were grateful for every person in their lives and looked forward to sharing this special day with them. The final preparations were underway, marking the beginning of a beautiful union that would be remembered forever.


My heart raced as the wedding day approached. Despite the excitement and anticipation, there was an undercurrent of nervousness that coursed through my veins. Deep down i couldn't shake the fear that my father would show up uninvited, casting a shadow over our special day. Memories of past encounters haunted me, reminding me of the pain and disappointment my father had caused in the past. But i refused to let those fears consume me. I had Nathaniel by my side, a pillar of strength and love. Together, we had built a support system of friends and family who stood firmly behind us. I took solace in knowing that our wedding day would be a celebration of our own love, not tainted by the presence of someone who had long lost their place in my life. With every passing day, my nerves subsided as i focused on the joy and happiness that awaited me at the altar.

But as the wedding day approached, i knew i had to share the unsettling news with Nathaniel. The thought of my father's unexpected presence on our special day weighed heavily on my mind. Sitting down together one evening, i took a deep breath and began recounting the events that had unfolded. I described how i had seen my father at the dinner, unnoticed by anyone else. The realization hit him like a thunderbolt - his father had been in their house recently, lurking in the shadows. I explained the mixture of emotions i felt: fear, anger, and a lingering sense of betrayal. But as i looked into Nathaniel's eyes, i found solace and strength. Together, we vowed to protect our love and create a barrier against any negativity that threatened to intrude on our happiness. With Nathaniel's unwavering support, i felt empowered to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that our love would prevail above all else.


The wedding was in two days. The couple's excitement grew with each passing moment, eagerly awaiting the day they would officially unite as one. They had meticulously planned every detail, ensuring that their special day would be a reflection of their love and commitment to each other. But amidst the final preparations, a cloud of unease lingered in Marc's heart.

He knew he had to share the unsettling news with Nathaniel. Sitting down together, Marc took a deep breath and began recounting the events that had unfolded. The unexpected encounter with his father at the dinner, the lurking presence in their house - it all weighed heavily on his mind. As he looked into Nathaniel's eyes, he found solace and strength.

Together, they vowed to protect their love and create a barrier against any negativity that threatened to intrude on their happiness. With Nathaniel's unwavering support, Marc felt empowered to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Their love would prevail above all else.

In just two short days, they would stand before their loved ones and exchange vows, starting a new chapter in their lives filled with joy and boundless love. But while Marc looked forward to his future, he couldn't help but reflect on his past. As he lay in bed that night, he realized that the heaviness of his heart was due to his unresolved feelings for his father. Deep down, Marc knew he had to bring the pain to the surface. He struggled to get out of bed, feeling overcome with guilt and sorrow, fighting against his instinct to hold it in. But he knew he had to confront the pain.

Standing up, he began to recount the events that had transpired over the years. As he recited his tale, Marc could see the terror in his young face as he recounted his father's first attack. As Marc recalled the events, he began to sob, a mixture of pain and anguish threatening to overcome him. He felt Nathaniel's hands wrapped around his, comforting him in their shared experience.

Marc reached out and touched Nathaniel's face, wiping away his tears. "I love you," he said to his love. "And I know you love me. But what we have, what I have with you, is something special. And I don't want anything or anyone to ever take that away from us. We've had to deal with so much, and our journey together is far from over. But when it comes to you and me, we are ready to take on anything."

With this, he turned to Nathaniel, gazing into his eyes and conveying all of his love. As they gazed at each other, they both vowed to never be scared of anything.

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