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The anticipation hung in the air, thick with excitement and nervous energy. The final preparations were underway, every detail meticulously attended to. I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions as i stood on the precipice of this new chapter in my life.My heart swelled with love for Nathaniel, our bond unbreakable amidst the trials we had faced. We had weathered storm after storm, emerging stronger each time. Now, as we stood on the cusp of forever, i knew that nothing could stand in our way.Tomorrow would be a day of celebration and joy, a culmination of our journey together. But as the hours ticked away, i couldn't shake the weight of my past. I knew i had to confront his unresolved feelings for my father before i could fully embrace this new beginning.With determination burning in my eyes, i vowed to myself that i would face my pain head-on. Tomorrow would mark not only the start of my marriage to Nathaniel but also the beginning of a healing process that was long overdue.As the sun set on this eve of our wedding day, i took a deep breath and held onto Nathaniel's hand tightly. Together, we were ready to face whatever lay ahead, united in our love and unwavering in our commitment to each other.Tomorrow would be the start of something beautiful.In the quiet of the evening, i sat down to review my written vows. My heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and worry as i read each word carefully. I wanted my promises to Nathaniel to be perfect, to capture the depth of our love and the strength of our bond.As i read through the heartfelt words, tears welled up in my eyes. The emotions poured out onto the paper, a testament to the journey we had taken together. Every line was infused with vulnerability and sincerity, a reflection of our shared experiences and unwavering commitment.I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as i finished reading. These vows were more than just words; they were a promise etched into my very soul. They embodied the love we had built and nurtured over time.With renewed confidence, i closed my eyes and pictured Nathaniel standing before me. I imagined the way Nathaniel's eyes would light up when he heard these vows, how his smile would radiate warmth and happiness.Filled with anticipation, i knew that tomorrow would be a day we would both cherish forever. Our love, sealed by these vows, would be celebrated in front of our loved ones. And as we exchanged our promises under the watchful gaze of the setting sun, i knew that our journey together was only just beginning.

As the morning sun cast its warm glow upon us, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The day had finally arrived, and with it, a flurry of activity and excitement. I watched as the wedding preparations unfolded around me, feeling a mix of nerves and exhilaration.

I stole a moment to myself, finding solace in the quiet beauty of nature. The gentle breeze whispered through the trees, as if offering words of encouragement. In that serene moment, I reflected on the journey that had brought us here.

The path had not always been easy. We had faced obstacles and challenges, both individually and together. But through it all, our love had remained steadfast, growing stronger with each passing day.

Today was a celebration of that love - a testament to our commitment and devotion. As I stood there, taking in the breathtaking scenery, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this opportunity to start anew.

With renewed determination, I took a deep breath and stepped forward into the day. Today would mark the beginning of our forever, a union bound by love and shared dreams. And as I joined hands with my beloved at the altar, I knew in my heart that this was just the beginning of an extraordinary journey together. I enter my changing room, away from all the people and on the other side of the building as Nathaniel, to get ready.

The nerves start to set in, a familiar sensation that dances through my body. I take a deep breath, trying to calm the fluttering butterflies in my stomach. Today is a day of new beginnings, of promises and commitments.

As I stand here, in my dressing room, loved ones in the main room and the anticipation of what's to come, I can't help but feel a mixture of excitement and trepidation. It's natural, they say, to have these jitters before embarking on such a significant journey.

But amidst the nervousness, there is also an undeniable sense of joy. This is a momentous occasion, a celebration of love and unity. As I peek out to look around at the smiling faces, I am reminded that I am not alone in this.

I take solace in knowing that no matter what lies ahead, I have the unwavering support of those who are dear to me. Their words of encouragement echo in my mind, giving me strength as I prepare to take that step forward.

And so, with a mixture of nerves and determination, I embrace this moment. The nerves may be present, but they will not overshadow the profound happiness that awaits on the other side.

My mother entered the changing room, her familiar presence bringing comfort amidst the flurry of nerves. She carefully helped me with my tie, her hands steady and gentle. As she worked, they shared a quiet conversation, filled with words of love and encouragement.

In that intimate moment, i felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for my mother's unwavering support. Her presence reminded me of the countless times she had been there for me throughout my life, guiding me through both joyous and challenging moments.

As we exchanged heartfelt words, my anxiety began to dissipate. My mother's soothing voice reassured me that i was ready for this next chapter in my life. With each word spoken, a sense of confidence grew within me.

With a final adjustment to my suit, i looked into the mirror and saw not just myself, but also the reflection of my mother's love and belief in me. I knew that as i walked down the aisle, she would be by my side every step of the way.

Embracing her in a tight hug, i whispered a heartfelt thank you. My mother smiled warmly, her eyes shining with pride. In that moment, we both knew that this day would forever hold a special place in our hearts.

 Nothing Without You ~Marc x Nathaniel~Where stories live. Discover now