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I wakes up, feeling the warmth of Nathaniel's body against my own. I remembers the events of the previous night and smiles to myself, feeling grateful for the love that i have found. I turned my head to look at Nathaniel, who is still asleep with a peaceful expression on his face. I feel a surge of affection for Nath, knowing that he has been by my side through thick and thin.
As i lie there, wrapped in Nathaniel's embrace, i think about the future we will build together. I imagines our wedding day, surrounded by friends and family, and I knew that it would be one of the happiest days of my life. I felt lucky to have found someone who loves me for who i am, flaws and all.
With a contented sigh, i snuggled closer to Nathaniel, feeling safe and loved in his arms. As i drift back into sleep, i knew that no matter what challenges we may face in the future, we will always have each other to rely on.

I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs cooking in the kitchen. I smile, knowing that Nath is already up and preparing breakfast for us. I stretched my arms and legs, feeling completely content and at ease. I get out of bed and walked over to the kitchen, where Nathaniel greets me with a warm smile.
We sit down at the table together and enjoy our meal, chatting about our plans for the day ahead. I feel grateful for these simple moments of domesticity, knowing that we are building a life together filled with love and companionship.
As we finish our breakfast, Nathaniel reaches across the table to take my hand. We share a meaningful look, silently communicating our love for each other. I knew that i have found my soulmate in Nath, and i feel lucky to have him by my side every day.

We decided to take our dog Stitch for a walk around Paris, enjoying the sights and sounds of the bustling city. We stroll along the Seine, admiring the beautiful architecture of the bridges and buildings that line the river.

As we walk, Marc and I hold hands, feeling completely at ease in each other's company. We chat about our plans for the future, discussing everything from career goals to travel aspirations.
Stitch happily trots alongside us, wagging his tail and occasionally stopping to sniff at interesting scents along the way. We laugh as Stitch tries to chase after a pigeon that is perched on a nearby bench.

As our walk comes to an end, i felt grateful for that moment of simple happiness with my partner and our beloved pet. I knew that life can be unpredictable, but as long as i had Nathaniel by my side, i can face anything with courage and love.

I gazes out the window, lost in thought as i contemplates my future with Nathaniel. I think about all the adventures we will have together, the places we will go, and the memories we will make.
I imagined us traveling to far-off destinations, exploring new cultures, and experiencing everything that life has to offer. I pictured us growing old together, sitting on a porch swing and reminiscing about our lives.
But most of all, i think about how lucky i am to have found someone like Nathaniel. Someone who loves me unconditionally, supports me through thick and thin, and makes me feel alive.

As i turned to Nathaniel and see the love shining in his eyes, i knew that no matter what the future holds, we will face it together with strength and determination. And i can't wait to see where our journey takes us next.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden realization that i may want a baby in the future. The idea of starting a family with Nathaniel both excited and terrified me. I had never been good with kids, but the thought of having a child with the man i loved felt like the missing piece to our puzzle.
As i turned to Nathaniel to share my thoughts, i was met with a warm smile and an understanding gaze. Nathaniel squeezed my hand reassuringly, silently letting me know that we would face this new challenge together.

"Hey, are you okay?" Nathaniel asked. I nodded and looked back up at him.

"I'm fine, I guess. I guess I'm just thinking about kids."

 Nothing Without You ~Marc x Nathaniel~Where stories live. Discover now