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starting the planing for our wedding was difficult we had no idea what we wanted.
Marc and I sat at the kitchen table, surrounded by bridal magazines and wedding planning books. i sighed, feeling overwhelmed by all the choices. "I don't even know where to start," i said.
Marc nodded in agreement. "Me neither. I mean, do we want a big wedding or something more low-key?"
i shrugged. "I don't know. I kind of like the idea of a small ceremony with just our closest friends and family."
Marc smiled at me. "That could be nice. And we could have a big party afterwards to celebrate."
my face lit up at the idea. "Yes! That sounds perfect."
We spent the next few hours flipping through pages and making notes on what we liked and didn't like. By the end of it, we had a rough plan for their special day.
As we hugged each other, i felt grateful to have Marc by my side through this process. I knew that no matter what happened, we would make it work together.
but what about our outfits...

I walked up to Marinettes house, feeling nervous but excited. I knew she was the perfect person to help us design our wedding outfits.

When Marinette opened the door, her eyes widened in surprise. "Oh my goodness, you and marc are getting married!" she exclaimed.
I nodded, grinning from ear to ear.
Marinette pulled me into a hug. "I'm so happy for you! And of course I'll help with your outfits. I have some ideas already."
We spent the next few hours discussing marc and my vision for the wedding and looking through fabric swatches. By the end of it, i had a clear idea of what i wanted my outfit to look like.

As i left Marinette's house, i felt relieved and grateful. i couldn't wait to see what Marinette would come up with and was excited to continue planning our special day together.


Marinette and I sat on a bench in the park, surrounded by sketches and fabric swatches. i was nervous about designing my own wedding outfit, but Marinette's expertise put me at ease.
"So, what are you thinking?" Marinette asked.
"I don't know," i replied. "I want something that feels like me, but also looks good for the occasion."
Marinette nodded thoughtfully. "Okay, let's start with colors. What do you envision for your wedding?"
I closed my eyes and pictured the ceremony in my mind. "I see lots of greens and blues," i said. "Like a forest or a river."
"Ooh, I love that," Marinette said. She pulled out some fabric swatches and held them up to my face. "What about this shade of teal? Or maybe a mossy green?"
I examined the swatches closely, feeling excited about the possibilities. "I like both of those," i said.
"Great!" Marinette exclaimed. "Now let's talk about style. Do you want something traditional or more modern?"
"I'm not sure," i admitted.
"That's okay," Marinette said reassuringly. "Let's keep looking through these sketches and see if anything jumps out at you."
As we continued to work together, i felt grateful for Marinette's guidance and talent. I knew that with her help, i would have the perfect outfit for my special day.


The day we will never forget. We visited several locations, but none of them quite felt right. i was starting to feel discouraged when marc suggested we check out a small vineyard he had heard about.
As soon as we arrived, i knew this was the place. The sun was setting over the rolling hills, casting a warm glow on the rows of grapevines. The rustic barn and outdoor patio were perfect for our intimate ceremony and reception.
We met with the owner, who showed them around and answered all our questions. i could see the excitement in Marc's eyes as we discussed the details of our special day. we both agreed that this was the place for us.
As we left the vineyard hand in hand, i felt grateful to have Marc by my side through this journey. I knew that no matter where we got married, it would be perfect as long as we were together.
We sat at the cozy restaurant, flipping through menus and discussing our options for the rehearsal dinner. i couldn't help but smile as i watched Marc's face light up with excitement over the different dishes.
"I think we should go for the family-style option," Marc said eagerly. "That way everyone can try a little bit of everything."
i nodded in agreement. "And what about drinks? Do you want to do an open bar or just beer and wine?"
"I was thinking we could do a signature cocktail," Marc suggested. "Something with gin and cucumber."
i raised his eyebrows. "Fancy! I like it."
As we continued to plan out the details, i felt grateful for Marc's enthusiasm and creativity. I knew that our rehearsal dinner would be just as special as our wedding day, thanks to Marc's attention to detail and love for bringing people together over good food and drinks.
we couldn't believe that in just one weekend we were able to come up with an entire wedding. I am pretty sure we had most of the other details by the end of that day.


My mind was racing with all the potential disasters that could ruin our perfect day. What if the caterer didn't show up? What if it rained and ruined the outdoor ceremony? What if someone got too drunk and caused a scene?
I tried to push these thoughts aside and focus on the positive, but they kept creeping back into my mind. I knew i needed to relax and trust that everything would work out, but it was easier said than done.

As we continued to plan, i found myself obsessing over every little detail. Was the font on the invitations too formal? Should we use ivory or off-white tablecloths? It was exhausting, but i couldn't help myself.

Nathaniel noticed my stress levels rising and took my hand. "Hey," he said softly. "It's going to be okay. We'll get through this together."
I looked up at him, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over me. Nathaniel was right - no matter what happened, we had each other. And in the end, that was all that really mattered.

Nathaniel and I climbed into bed, exhausted from a long day of wedding planning. As we snuggled under the covers, i couldn't help but feel grateful for Nathaniel's support and love.
I turned to my fiancé and smiled. "I can't believe we're really doing this," i said.
Nathaniel grinned back at me. "Me neither," he replied. "But I know it's going to be amazing."
I nodded, feeling a sense of calm wash over my. With Nathaniel by my side, i knew that anything was possible.
As i drifted off to sleep, i felt a sense of excitement building within me. Soon, we would be starting our new life together as husbands – and i couldn't wait to see what the future held.

The peaceful night was shattered by the sound of shattering glass. Marc and Nathaniel stirred in their sleep, but neither woke up fully. They assumed it was just a stray cat or raccoon knocking something over.
But then they heard footsteps, slow and deliberate. Marc's heart began to race as he realized that someone was in their house.
He reached out to shake Nathaniel awake, but before he could even touch him, he heard a bloodcurdling scream. He bolted upright in bed, adrenaline pumping through his veins.
As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw a figure standing at the foot of their bed. Before he could react, the intruder lunged forward with a knife.
Marc felt a searing pain in his side as the blade plunged into his flesh. He cried out in agony and scrambled to get away from the attacker.
Nathaniel was now awake too, and he jumped out of bed to help defend them. But it was too late - the intruder had already fled into the night.
"Nathaniel" Marc gasped slowly.

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