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"Nathaniel" Marc gasped slowly.

Nathaniel's face was pale and his eyes darted wildly around. Marc was still holding his side, but now he was grimacing in pain.

Marc swallowed hard, trying to ignore the pain. "Someone just stabbed me," Marc said quietly "I'll give you a minute." He hobbled off to the bathroom, leaving Nathaniel staring at him nervously.

I walked into our bathroom and quickly grabbed gauze bandage and wrapped it around my abdomen as tightly as I could without constricting my breathing. I recognize the face of the person but I can't quite figure out how or where I recognize it from.

I quickly finished tying the gauze and headed out of the bathroom. Nath was breathing heavily in the room, I've never seen him this scared.

I helped him to his feet and pulled him along. I held onto him tightly until we reached the living area.  "I'm going to call the cops Nath, just stay here."He held onto me tightly.

"The paramedics are coming... Just be here for me." I finally managed to wheeze out.
He nodded.

My hand gently squeezing his knee and he looked over to see me holding the phone to my ear, nervously nodding.

I made sure I looked calm, and waited until the paramedics arrived. They were young and looked nervous but competent, asking me questions and checking me out.

I tried to tell them what happened but couldn't get anything out.

"My fiancé was attacked in our bed and stabbed in the side," Nath managed to say, finally managing to get words out. The paramedics took me out to the ambulance and we head to the hospital.

After several stitches and multiple tests I was aloud to leave. It's been about three days since the break in. My mum texted about a dozen times a day and is wanting to stay with us for a while well we recover. Nath has been scared to leave me alone lately so he was taken to a therapist.

The police have been here every other day to question us. seeing my mum is going to be different. We haven't spoken a lot since she left dad. At least I never have to see that ass hole again

I honestly don't think I will ever really be the same. When I saw my mum, I started crying in the street. Her face was tear streaked and her heart was broken. She didn't blame me for what happened, and I know she never will, but seeing her cry broke me and left a mark on my heart. I haven't really been able to sleep at night since then. Sometimes I still wake up from nightmares about that night. I don't think I will ever forget that night.

I woke up in a cold sweat, my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn't shake the image of my dad's face contorted with anger and disgust as he spewed homophobic slurs at me. It had been years since that night in high school, but the memories still haunted me.
I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I reminded myself that i was safe now, that dad had left Paris and moved to a small town. (Well that's what mum told me) i could be my without fear of judgement or violence anymore.
But the fear lingered, like a shadow following me wherever i went. I knew it was irrational, that my dad was kilometres away and had no power over me anymore. But sometimes fear didn't listen to reason.
As i lie back down on my pillow, i closed my eyes and tried to focus on happier memories. Memories of Nath's smile, of our cozy home, of the life we were building together. Slowly but surely, the nightmare faded away and was replaced by a more pleasant dream.

Short chapter but it's fine.
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile but I've been in hospital and going through some shit 👍

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