You could say I fell in love with Alex the first time I saw him. I had just moved to a new school and I was being shown around by a blond. I had forgotten her name about as fast as she said it. She was busy chatting about the cheerleading squad and how I should join while I tried to remember her name.
Jasmine? Jessica? Jamie? Jodie?
"HEY JOSIE!" A male voice shouts behind us.
I turn to face the boy who if going to control my life for the next two years.
He jogs over to us and leans against some lockers.
"Hey Alex. What's up?" Josie asks flipping her hair over her shoulder.
Alex ignores her, "Who's this?"
His caramel brown eyes stared into mine and my stomache was in knots.
"Oh this is Scarlete she wants to join the cheerleading squad."
I didn't want to join; at my old school I made fun of the cheerleaders.
Alex smiles revealing perfect white teeth and dimples, "I like cheerleaders."
I smile weakly, if he had said he liked Chemistry nerds I would have learned it forwards and backwards.
"Yeah, I'm just bursting with school spirit," I say. I mentally slap myself and look at my shoes as my face turns red. Could I have said anything stupider?
"Alex is a football player." Josie tells me flipping her hair again.
Even if she hadn't told me I would have known. Alexs arms were probably twice the size of one of my legs. I was also sure that under his shirt you would find perfectly sculpted abs.
"Hey Josie, I can show Scarlete to her classes, Stephy and Melanie were looking for you anyways."
Josie smiles, "Be nice to he Alex."
I stare at Joise. What does she mean by that? Alex smiles down at me and pushes off the lockers. I didn't even come up to his shoulders.
"Oh I will be." His brown hair falls into his eyes. I feel my face burning as Josie walks away saying she'll talk to me later.
Alex puts his arm around my shoulders, "Let's see that schedule of yours."
From that moment, even before we started dating a meer week later I was Alexs. All the boys knew, and all the girls knew. Even the teachers knew.
I soon realized Alex had the whole school in the palm of his hand.
That's why three months later when his parents divorced and the abuse started I knew I couldn't tell anyone. The whole school would hate me for saying bad things about their football star.
I also didn't want to tell anyone. I loved Alex from the moment I saw him, I thought the abuse would stop when he wasn't so upset over his parents.
I of course was wrong.
When we had been dating for five months, Alex carried me up to his bedroom and how could I say no to everyones favorite guy when he started to undress me?
It's not like I wanted to lose my virginity right then, or was I ready too. But I did know that eventually I'd give it to Alex anyways.
I had tried to stop him at one point; he was working on my bra clasp.
"Alex I don't think I'm ready for this."
He looked down at me his hair in his eyes, "You love me right?"
We hadn't said that to each other yet but I knew that I did.
I swallow roughly and nod my head, "Yeah I do. Do you love me?"
He smiles, "Of course I do. Dont you know that?"
I nod my head again.
"If you loved me you'd do this with me."
I pause for a moment, "Alright."
My first time wasn't magical like all girls claim. It hurt and Alex only stopped for a second to ask if I was okay. It was afterwards that was special. Alex had kissed all over my face and arms and all over my body to make sure it no longer hurt.
After that Alex expected me to happily crawl into his bed and let him have his way with me whenever he wanted.
Only once or twice did I say no.
"Alex it's late, my parents want me home in thirty minutes."
His body pressed onto mine as his arms made a barrier on each side of my head, "Come on Scarlete." He smiles revealing two dimples; he knows are my weakness.
I don't give in though.
"Alex, I'm tired." I try to wiggle out from beneath him.
In one smooth motion he's straddling my legs and holding both my wrists over my head. His knuckles go white and I can only imagine the bruises that are already forming.
"Come on Scarlete, please thirty minutes is enough. I need you."
I nod my head biting my lip to keep me from screaming out. I can't feel my fingers.
His hands loosening, "I love you." He says his voice rough with lust.
I nod my head as he lies over the top of me again. "I love you too." I whisper.
I cry into the crook of his neck, hoping he thinks the water is just sweat. Alex finishes and lays next to me cuddling me into his arms. When I had stood up and wiggled back into my clothes I realized my sweatshirt was in my locker. I had nothing to hide my new bruises with.
"Alex can I borrow a sweatshirt? Mines at school."
Alex looks up at me from the bed, his hair is messy and only his top half showing from the blanket. He's the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen.
"Yeah sure in the closet."
I reached for the closet door and Alex jumped up and was by my side in five long strides.
"Did I do this?" He gingerly touches my wrist.
When he looked into my eyes all the pain was there that told me it hurt him more that he hurt me, then it hurt me to take the abuse. He kissed both of my wrists and made the promise he always makes but never keeps, "I'll never hurt you again Scarlete."
It was always like this after the abuse. He'd give me that heartbreaking look, kiss my bruises, and make a promise to never do it again. If the bruises were bad enough he'll cry and I'll fold him into my arms whispering that it's alright until he stops.
Now the last couple days of summer before my senior year starts I figure everything will be perfect. Alex has been less abusive lately and I take that as a hopeful sign that by the time me and Alex are away at college together he won't be abusive at all.
Of course once again I was wrong.

Bruises and scars. (Teacher/student love story)
Teen FictionScarlete Jones is dating the schools biggest football star; Alex Stein. He has the whole school wrapped around his finger. But what happens when he becomes abusive? What happens when it turns out the only person who can save her is her new hot teach...