46 Bruises and Scars.

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"Scarlete!" I yell as she faints, Spencer holds her up though so she's limp in his arms.

I run over and help him carefully lay her down, Alex is there then and shoving me back, "Don't touch her."

I shove him back, "You don't touch her."

"She's my fiancee." He says shoving me back again.

"Actually I think she just called off that engagement."

"She doesn't know what she's saying, she didn't mean it."

"Yes she did. She loves me."

Alex gets in my face, his own beat red, "You don't know anything about her!"

"I know more then you do!"

"I'm her fiancee! I know everything about her!"

"Really? Because she's been cheating on you with me since before your engagement. It doesn't seem you knew that."

"Shut up!" Spencer yells but we ignore him.

"I'm going to get you fired." Alex says through his teeth, "I'll make it sound like you raped her, I'll make it so that you can never work at a school again."

"She won't testify against me. She's in love with me."

"Stop saying that!" Alex screams. "She loves me! Not you!"

"Really? Because I'm the whole reason she just ended it with you."

Jason shoves us apart again, "Both of you shut the fuck up! If either of you really loved her you'd get over your differences and try to help her!"

I look over to Spencer who's trying to wake Scarlete up and I fall to my knees next to her, I cup her face, "Scarlete?"

"Anybody know what to do when someone passes out?" Spencer asks.

We all shake our heads and then Jason sighs, "My sister passed out once, she woke up a few minutes later."

"So what we just wait?" I ask.

Spencer shrugs, "I guess."

I start to lean down wanting to brush my lips against her temple but realize that with Alex next to me that's not such a good idea and I pull back. I rub my thumb across her cheek and Alex bats my hand away, "Stop touching her."

Spencer sighs, "Neither of you touch her, I'm tired of listening to you bitch."

Jason pushes us back and sits on the other side of her. Spencer pushes hair from her face, "Scarlete baby can you hear me?"

Jason cups her face ike I had just moments before, "Wake up sweetheart."

Less then a minute passes when Scarletes eyes flutter open and she looks up confused at Spencer and Jason, "Where's Holden?"

I move till I'm next to her and take her hand, "I'm right here baby."

My heart soars because I'm the first one she asked for and she sits up and hugs me then she freezes.

"Scarlete you can't seriously leave me for our teacher!"

Spencer sighs, "Alex the girl just woke up from passing out give her a minute before you start yelling."

Jason touches her back, "Do you want some water or something?"

She nods, "Water please."

Jason pulls a water from his bag and hands it to her. She pulls back from me to drink some and watches me carefully. I wonder what she's thinking behind those beautiful green eyes.

Bruises and scars. (Teacher/student love story)Where stories live. Discover now